Recent content by RhpsPython

  1. RhpsPython

    Inherited incubating eggs please help!

    A family member passed away unexpectedly and she has 3 incubators on the counter I am at a loss of what to do with. I was told there is a broody hen that she had been planning to put the chicks under, but I know nothing about the actual hatching process! Coming into this at the tail end is a...
  2. RhpsPython

    Mystery chickens

    Only thing I knew about these 3 ladies is that they came from red barn and that the largest one was older by a few weeks than the other two. Now that they've grown a bit, I am curious as to what breeds they might be. Big girl Henny Penny, smallish single comb and is same size now as my 2 year...
  3. RhpsPython

    Pecked eye?

    My barred rock hen has just one eye swollen and mostly closed. I can see her eye through her lids just a little and it looks okay. No discharge from it, the other eye is fine, and she's acting perfectly normal. My guess is my roo pecked her and got her good. Aside from keeping it clean and...
  4. RhpsPython

    My First Hoop Coop

    They are doing good! I was a little worried about the heat, but they seem to be okay and stick to the shade. They are outside at now 7 weeks finally. Putting them outside was a must! They were getting antsy being in their brooder in the house, and I was getting a little tired of the dust and...
  5. RhpsPython

    EE Roo?

    Good to know! I will definitely take the advice, donrae! Thanks :)
  6. RhpsPython

    EE Roo?

    Not sure whether Fingers is a pullet or a roo. She/he is 7 weeks old, and has a very smallish comb, but what is making me think she is a he is that it will charge at me, and has for quite a few weeks now. Then just today it tried to fly at me feet first when I was still walking up to their coop...
  7. RhpsPython

    My First Hoop Coop

    We finally finished our very first coop today! A lot of trial and error, but I think it turned out okay :). The girls are spending their first night outside tonight! We still have a few things to finish over the next couple days, like proper roosting bars and finishing up the perimeter apron...
  8. RhpsPython

    When your chickens are actually tiny dinosaurs.

    Just for fun I tried out the slow motion camera on my week old chicks. The sound is what really startled me! Sounded like a scene out of Jurassic Park, lol!
  9. RhpsPython

    Couple of questions from a newbie.

    Thanks! Just being a worry wart. I'll see what it looks like in the morning just to be sure.
  10. RhpsPython

    Couple of questions from a newbie.

    I have half a dozen 1 week old chicks, and they are my first chickens. Everyone is eating, drinking, and pooping normal. But I have some first timer questions. How hard or soft should their crops feel? Two of the chicks have crops that I can see plainly just looking at them, and they feel...
  11. RhpsPython

    show me your dog crate baby brooders

    I set up my dog kennel (big enough for my Great Dane) for my six chicks I received from Meyer's. Started out simple enough with a divider to keep half of the kennel cooler, but now we have ramps and platforms that I keep adding. I think they enjoy it :)
  12. RhpsPython


    My girls arrived! They are all napping now after a long trip and some hard boiled egg. And I'm addicted to chick tv!
  13. RhpsPython


    So exciting!!!
  14. RhpsPython


    I think that would be perfect! I will definitely make this to offer more of an escape from the lamp. I'd take the top off of it, but it's more for the safety of the chicks. I have 3 cats and the brooder is set up in a spare bedroom. The door is closed but god forbid someone sneaks by my feet I...
  15. RhpsPython


    Well I tried to convince the DH to let me cut a hole in the dog crate, but no go. So with my thermometer at the ready now I hung the lamp from the ceiling and tried another approach. Now it's pointing into the back and my theory is that the front will be cooler with the grate door to let some...
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