Recent content by RichieChickies

  1. RichieChickies

    Any guesses on gender?

    Well i think for sure one is a pullet, perhaps three and five as well. I think two is male and six also. Four, no idea. Very pretty all though!
  2. RichieChickies

    What breed is this beauuutiful fellow & his lovely ladies???

    The last looks to be an EE to me, and boy is she cute! What a sweet pic.
  3. RichieChickies

    Herbs for the chicken nesting boxes!

    My area has a huge problem with ticks this time of year. I put some herbs and diatomaceous(spelling, I know...) earth in the boxes and have almost NO problem in the ladies coop. They eat a lot of it, but it smells so good before they do! My girls aren't laying yet so cant help with the egg...
  4. RichieChickies

    The mean old Roo had to go...

    One little boy has already taken over some of the duties! I watched him wait for the girls to go in yesterday. And he really did, i mean everyone was in, even the other boys! Looks like a gentleman to me. He definately bears watching...
  5. RichieChickies

    The mean old Roo had to go...

    I came in to work today and a co-worker told me the boss got rid of Gomez, our old rooster. He went after my co-worker, again. It was time. But now i'm a bit concerned the girls will miss him! We have 7 young roosters right now, but none have even crowed. We got the chicks in mid March. How long...
  6. RichieChickies

    Hello from Richland Student Farms, Richland Community College!

    The little guys and older hens have been doing pretty good together. We did lose a couple to pecking order scuffles. And one was just mutilated. We aren't sure what happened with him. It was really bad. But this is, i'm told, part and parcel. I hope to get my camera to school soon to put up a...
  7. RichieChickies

    Funny Eggs!

    They get a scoop of scratch with corn, sorghum, and black oil sunflower in the evenings. The feed is egg-a-day, so it has the extra calcium. I have oyster shell but have not been adding it as the feed has so much already. They free range during the day most days, so their general diet is good...
  8. RichieChickies

    Funny Eggs!

    We have a flock of 30 RIR's. I just took over chicken duty and noticed that the shells are not what they should be. Mottled, extra calcium coating (some look whitewashed), wrinkling, and little "nipples" on them. Plus I have had two in a week that were shell-less! From the research I have done...
  9. RichieChickies

    Hello from Richland Student Farms, Richland Community College!

    Hello, my name is Anni and I am the current chicken lady at Richland Student Farms in Decatur Illinois. There are a couple of us that will be on here periodically. I really liked the idea of having a school page so that anyone who helps with the chickens, and had questions or concerns, could pop...
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