Recent content by rlkenyon

  1. rlkenyon

    Droopy sick chicken

    This is her poop! We put her beak in water & she wants nothing to do with it. We are keeping her separated for the night. It hasn't been too terribly hot here so I don't think our is dehydration. I'm at a loss! She is one of three for my son's fair project :( We have 12 others & none of them are...
  2. rlkenyon

    Droopy sick chicken

    I noticed today that one of my Amerucana hens was lethargic & Droopy. Her tail feathers are not fluffy but rather flat. Her crop is soft. When we put her in a warm bath she just floats & really makes no attempt to move. HELP!
  3. rlkenyon

    wounded chick

    I have a chick who got wounded last night on its neck. A friend of mine thinks it is best to put it down before the wound gets infected because if the depth of it ... my question is, if the chick is still eating & drinking, what are the chances of survival? Is there some home remedy that I could...
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