Recent content by rmstone

  1. rmstone

    24 hr old chick needs help

    Thank you all for helping. I put him down right after I heard it wouldn't survive. I wasn't going to prolong that. Im sad..but stuff like this happens. :(
  2. rmstone

    24 hr old chick needs help

    Noooooooo! Im so sad. I've been trying so hard :(
  3. rmstone

    24 hr old chick needs help

    I need help! My little one hatched yesterday with issues. Yolk still attached yesterday. It was a smaller tight ball and several hours later it expanded, flattened out and almost got hard. I went ahead and clipped it off. Baby has this protruding cord that i have put bacitracin ointment on. I...
  4. rmstone

    Fairfax County, VA

    I couldn't agree with you more! I'm a transplant from San Jose, CA where I grew up having a few hens and did the same with my babies when they were little, all while living in typical residential neighborhoods, fence to fence. Now that I live in Alexandria I started again (shhhh) for my grand...
  5. rmstone

    Fairfax County, VA

    Does anybody know what happened with this??!!
  6. rmstone

    Fairfax County, VA

    I completely agree for striving to amend the ratio. If hooking up with Arlington is helpful than it should be strongly considered. ***what is fermenting your feed?*** :)
  7. rmstone

    Fairfax County, VA

    How about the first weekend of March?? As for schools I wouldn't know what's available.
  8. rmstone

    Fairfax County, VA

    I don't do Facebook either...can we get a leader, a meeting place, some material together and move forward? Let's get this done!!
  9. rmstone

    Fairfax County, VA

    Let's do it!
  10. rmstone

    Fairfax County, VA

    Count me in!
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