Recent content by RobinAnn

  1. RobinAnn

    Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

    Most of my named chickens were named for TV characters. My first three are MaryAnn, Mrs. Howell, and Ginger (2 Jersey Giants and 1 Buckeye x Speckled Sussex). My next two are Lucy and Ethel (Cochin x Speckled Sussex and Ameraucana x Speckled Sussex). Then out of the batch of 15 from this...
  2. RobinAnn

    Official BYC Poll: How Many Chickens Do You Have + How Many Chickens On BYC?

    OK, now I feel really stupid. I was talking with my husband and he assured me that we only lost one chick. So I must have twenty chickens. We went outside tonight and counted them on the roosts... I have twenty. (We both counted them two times.) I've been telling everyone that I have 19...
  3. RobinAnn

    Official BYC Poll: How Many Chickens Do You Have + How Many Chickens On BYC?

    I have 3 barred rocks, 3 Blue Andalusians, 3 RIR, 5 EE, 2 Jersey Giants, 1 Cochin x Speckled Sussex, 1 Ameraucan x Speckled Sussex, 1 Buckeye x Speckled Sussex. That should be 19. 20,451 + 19 = 20,470 Oddly, I bought 16 chicks in May. One died (I thought only one). I had 5 old hens. That...
  4. RobinAnn

    Let's share our chicken decor!

    I have a few things, but I love this painting. I bought it at a thrift store for $1.00; it was labeled $75 by the artist. It usually sits on top of my rustic dining room hutch with some painted tin chickens.
  5. RobinAnn

    onion blahs

    In Michigan you need long-day onions. Check out for both education and growing stock. I only use their growing stock and have had wonderful success most years. I had a couple of bad years but it wasn't the onion's fault. One year we had a killer September hail-storm when all...
  6. RobinAnn

    What are your rooster's names?

    I have a young Easter Egger named Oliver. He greats each morning cheerfully. Good morning starshine / The earth says hello / You twinkle above us / We twinkle below
  7. RobinAnn

    egg laying chart

    I do like aart (except I don't weigh the eggs). I have records from the first day I got chickens. (I record brown and colored eggs separately; once my Andalusians start laying I'll also record white eggs.)
  8. RobinAnn

    Pretty Sure This is A Roo

    Oh, and thanks for the opinions. This is my first batch of chicks. (I have five hens I got as 'yearlings' and I was told what there breeds were.)
  9. RobinAnn

    Pretty Sure This is A Roo

    Hmm... so, is he my "special chick" or a mis-sexed EE. Need to "inventory" the rest to see if all are accounted for.
  10. RobinAnn

    Pretty Sure This is A Roo

    He's 12 weeks here And here he is at 14 weeks. Anybody have a clue what he might be? (I ordered 6 EE, 3 barred rock, 3 Blue Andalusians, and 3 RIR. I think I've accounted for all the girls and this is my "Bonus Exotic Chick"/
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