Recent content by robmurr5

  1. robmurr5

    Chicken has bandage stuck to her foot ! ??

    I would soak her foot in warm water, and perhaps add some Epson salt to the water. That way you won't be damaging the foot again. That would be my plan of action. Best of Luck to you!
  2. robmurr5

    my chicken has swollen eye with bubbling liquid

    Hi Mike, I was wondering if the chickens can be VX when they are still sick. Also, is there an OTC that will treat respiratory infections? ty
  3. robmurr5

    Adult Chickens Temps

    Thanks a Bunch, from Vermont!
  4. robmurr5

    Adult Chickens Temps

    Thank you for the update. I typically only use heat lamps for chicks, that do not have their Mother to keep them warm. I did use the search bar for my questions, but didn't have any luck. It was difficult to word, what I was trying to find. I will keep you updated, and thank you again for your help.
  5. robmurr5

    Adult Chickens Temps

    Thank you all for the warm welcome! Blooie, Your answer was perfect, and now I feel confident, in this endeavor. You were thorough, and helped me with the issue, of extreme temp changes and integrating back into the flock. I'd read some articles, that said, they don't need time to become...
  6. robmurr5

    Adult Chickens Temps

    Thank You for your help. The only articles I could find, said they had to slowly get used to the differences in temps, but it didn't say how.
  7. robmurr5

    Adult Chickens Temps

    The temp in the coop, is 25-30 degrees. I don't use any heat source, and they are doing well. I will use the wire kennel idea, but am still wondering how I should acclimate them. There is a large temp. drop, and I heard that could kill them.
  8. robmurr5

    Adult Chickens Temps

    Hello, I just became a member, but have been using this site, for about 3 years. I've been searching for a particular chicken question, and cannot find the answer anywhere. Hence, I am hoping someone can help me. I had 2 Adult Hens badly injured, to the point of having to isolate them. They have...
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