Recent content by roost at the rockies

  1. roost at the rockies

    NEED HELP ASAP: Trimming a Crooked Beak...

    Thanks for all the helpful tips! I too have a cross-beaked girl. Sorry to say, I'm thinking with all this extra attention, I have a feeling down the road she will be our next choice for stew... Meanwhile, the dremmel is coming out tonight!! Hope it makes her happier!!
  2. roost at the rockies

    Do I tuck 'em in at night? It's freezing!!!

    Thank you Imp, Cottagechick, upthecreek, chickencanoe, and OSUman for your responses. I just laid eyes on them, and I think I will go with the "lock 'em in" tactic. I hope it's true that the red-light lamp doesn't mess with their sense of night and day. It is mighty cold, and by the way they...
  3. roost at the rockies

    Do I tuck 'em in at night? It's freezing!!!

    We have hens going through their first winter, and it is our first winter with hens. They were all going in to the coop on their own before we left town for a month and a half back in October. They have a small coop for 12 of them. Just before we left there were 8 more that we butchered...
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