Recent content by Roundy

  1. R


    He is a big boy. Almost twice the size of his ladies. As far as them using the boxes, that was just a coincidence. Lol.
  2. R

    ENDED - WINNER ANNOUNCED - Comb Contest 2016 - PEA

    This is Sven, a Buff Brahma Roo. He is about a year and 2 months old.
  3. R


  4. R


    Thanks Gus and Red. I sure hope it wasnt my roo. First time i saw the Buff Brahma Rooster I had to have one. Keeping my fingers crossed hes mixed in with the rest.
  5. R


    So i came across a webpage the other day. The person stated they are about 80% certain they can sex a chick, i believe they said 1 week old from the flight feathers. Longer = female, shorter = male. I lost one of my brahmas a few days ago and was hoping it wasnt my roo. Went out to the coop...
  6. R


    What IFA?
  7. R


    I lost my buff brahma (roo i think)chick today. Not sure the reasons. Almost a week old. Im looking for another. Like or buff. Anybody know of a place that is selling?
  8. R


    I have a Brinsea EcoGlow i am selling. I got it last wednesday. My chicks wouldnt go near it, so im back to heat lamps. If youd like it id let it go for $75. Says its good for up to 20 chicks.
  9. R


    Thanks for the info. They are all doing really well.
  10. R


    New member. Love the site. Picked up 10 chicks within the last 2 weeks from chase hatchery. So far so good. Post from another member said they heard not so good things. Yes its a little crowded. But I couldnt find any Brahmas, locally and other hatcheys online were sold out and she was the...
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