Recent content by Roy H

  1. Roy H

    Eastern Washington

    Hey,,I live a little east of Moxee,,,only have 8 hens,,,,,got 6 eggs for the last 3 days,,,they have picked up real good,,,,Does anyone have any Information on poltry shows In Wa. (when and where,,I cant seem to find this Information,,, Thanks Roy H.
  2. Roy H

    Comment by 'Roy H' in item 'Rhode Island Red'

    I an InterestedIn RIR bantums,,,,,I live In the Moxee area eastern Wa. state,,,,Roy
  3. Roy H

    Pacific Northwest Poultry Association double show, Salem, OR Oct 13-14, 2012

    My brother and I went to Stevenson,,,,first show for the both of us,,,,,was sure a good time,,,,,,Salem Is quite a distance for me,,,,I was woundering If there Is any shows aound Yakima?????? If so I hope some one anounces It,,,I sure would like to attend,,,,,,thanks,, R
  4. Roy H

    Itty Bitty First Eggs

    Mine have just started laying,,,16 weeks old,,,this Is the second week.....I think there are 3 starting,,got the little eggs,,,,got a couple soft shelled,,wasnt expecting them to lay so soon,, was still feeding grower feed,,,,one egg was bigger than the others,,It was a double yoke all has been...
  5. Roy H

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Yesterday I did some weeding,,and watering,,,,,worked pretty hard,,,,,so today I sat In the shade and watched It grow,,,,,,RH
  6. Roy H

    Got my FIRST egg today!!!!

    Well got my first egg today also,,,,,I have 2 black lorps,,,and 4 black sex links,,,,got a small brown egg,,,,,dont know which one,,,,,It was on the floor,,,,,I dont have nesting boxes made yet,,,,,so got to get to work tomarrow,,,,,dont want to slow production,,,, RH
  7. Roy H

    Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

    I have 2 B Lorps,,,and 4 B,,,, sex links,,,,,, nice birds,,, ,,,,,,,,there name Is Blackie R.H.
  8. Roy H

    Very happy to be a part of this community!

    Welcome to BYC. Where do you live??????????????? R
  9. Roy H

    New here and starting our first flock

    Welcome NE.Washington ,, lots of Information here,,,,,Roy
  10. Roy H

    Plans for Building Chicken Tractor on Wheelbarrow Base

    I built a chicken tractor,,,4'x4' coop,,,,,,,with 4'x6',wire covered run,,,,with 2 wheels,,,,,,,I think one wheel would bee hard to handle??????????? R
  11. Roy H

    New Member

    Welcome,,,,,,,Lots of Information here,,,, R
  12. Roy H

    Help! Heat index next week predicted to be 111! Should I install an air conditioner?

    Air conditioning ?? wow,,,,,,,I wounder how my grandfathers chickens survived 70,,80,,,years ago,,,,,,or anybodys,,,,he lived In Mo. It gets hot and humid there also,,,,,,,just woundering???????????
  13. Roy H

    New to BYC

    Welcome to BYC lots of fun ,,and a lot of Information,,,,,you will enjoy It,,,,,Roy
  14. Roy H

    Trying Red Star Rangers "next meatie project"

    What town Is local,,It would be nice to have a couple local?? breeders ????????????Roy
  15. Roy H

    Age old question

    There have been lots of ways reported on BYC ,,I still dont have a clue,,,,,I would just have to wait,,I have 2 australorps I thought one may be a roo early on,,,but Its not,,,,,so much for my guess???????????? R
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