Recent content by rparrny

  1. rparrny

    Eglu chicken coop for sale Long Island, NY pick up only

    I have a green eglu for sale, 3 years old in very good condition. It has the standard (not expanded) wired enclosure and I have comfortably raised 5 hens in it. It is modified with strong chicken wire from the inside on the vents for added protection against raccoons and other predators...
  2. rparrny

    Rooster? Better pictures I hope...

    Thanks for all the info, it is now obvious to me that I have one roo (the one on the left) among my flock. I just love this breed and have never enjoyed a chicken more!
  3. rparrny

    New to EE's and in love with them!

    After a large raccoon wiped out my flock of RIR's last halloween, I got some EE chicks over the spring and raised them outside in the coop with a heat lamp (no more chicks in the house again...EVER!). My RIR's were consistant layers but a bit bitchy at times and the roo....well, we had a stand...
  4. rparrny


    I also have had losses due to hawks. I originally had them in a fenced off grass paddock area with some rhodies growing through the fence to give them shade and shelter. I have since moved them closer to the house where there are tons of rhodies and places to run and hide close to the coop. I...
  5. rparrny

    Review by '' on item 'Easter Eggers'

    After I lost my entire flock of RIR's on...of all nights a raccoon the size of a medium size dog, I modified my Eglu coop for safety, moved it closer to the house and decided on a sweeter breed as I now have a grandson who is at the house 4 days a week. Although my RIR's were...
  6. rparrny

    Looking for an easy recipe that uses lots of eggs, the whole egg.

    Bread pudding is a way to get your kids to eat eggs. Two cups of stale bread ripped into chunks put a a shallow casserole, Mix 4-5 eggs (depending on size), 3/4 sugar (adjust to your liking or use different sweetner), 1 cup cream, milk, half and half or almond milk. Fruit of your choice...
  7. rparrny

    Please help me sex my chicks

    Yeah I figured as much. Many of the threads I read talked about rust feathers on the shoulders and neck being a tell tale sign of a roo...was hoping a description of them would help. I will get the girls to help me take pics later in the week. Thank you for the reply
  8. rparrny

    Rooster? Better pictures I hope...

    Yup that's a roo
  9. rparrny

    Please help me sex my chicks

    I will apologize for having no pics to show as my camera showed washed out colors and I didn't think it would help. I will try my best to describe my chicks. I purchased 6 chicks at my local feed store, they were advertised at Ameracuanas but I think they are probably EEs as the description...
  10. rparrny

    The scariest halloween ever, my flock is dead or dying....

    Well I called the town and was told wild animals are my problem not theirs, so I called a company that specializes in such things...I was told it was $550 each week for trapping. When I told the guy I'd rather get out my shotgun he offered me another of tomorrow it is legal to...
  11. rparrny

    The scariest halloween ever, my flock is dead or dying....

    I have had an eglu for two years...I actually have two of them. I have many racoons in the area and they are always a concern but I find with the coop door shut, it has been a fortress of safety for my girls. I often see the muddy footprints of the raccoons all over the eglu but they have...
  12. rparrny

    Spoiling my molting girls...

    So my RIR is two years old and going through her first molt...I remember my daughter getting her first period and me allowing her to stay home from school and eat chocolate ice cream at 9 in the morning to celebrate her right of In keeping with that spirit I want to spoil my RIR...
  13. rparrny

    What breed do I have?

    Well I will takes some pics tomorrow but after doing some searching I think I may have Golden Comets.
  14. rparrny

    What breed do I have?

    Lost most of my girls to the neighborhood hawk this year. When I got down to one, I went to a local farmer to get some more hens so my one RIR wouldn't get lonely. He had just received over a hundred hens and didn't know much about them. Most of them...and the ones that I chose where mostly...
  15. rparrny

    Comment by 'rparrny' in article 'Molting- Your Flock's Seasonal Shedding'

    I came on here planning on asking a question about this molting and viola! here was the answer right in front of me! My RIR is two years old and never molted, I lost her sister a month ago to a hawk and got another hen from a local farmer to keep her company...all of a sudden she stopped laying...
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