Recent content by Runner duck mom

  1. Runner duck mom

    RIP RuthAnn

    I'm so very sorry. She is a beautiful girl and I know she had an amazing life with you 😊
  2. Runner duck mom

    Juvenile Welsh Harlequins available near Atlanta, GA

    Oh, that's wonderful to hear!!! Thank you!!! Our flock has always been pretty small. We currently have 2 drake's and 2 girls, though we keep the boys separated so the girls can have some peace. Our youngest duck Basil was best buddies with the girl we lost so I'm thinking it would be good...
  3. Runner duck mom

    Juvenile Welsh Harlequins available near Atlanta, GA

    What beautiful ducks you have! I was actually looking for someone near Atlanta with Welsh harlequin ducks when I came across your post. My husband and I live in Paulding County, west of Atlanta. We just lost our favorite duck this past week, it was a huge surprise and we weren't previously...
  4. Runner duck mom

    First Ducks! (not socialized)

    Lots of time and patience but it can be done. Find what treats are their favorite and if you can go out at the same times every day to bring them their snack. Our ducks get some veggies each afternoon and they will tell me if I am running late, they have just come to expect it. If you just sit...
  5. Runner duck mom

    When to switch ducklings to adult feed? If you can find the duck pellets at TS they are for ducklings and adult ducks.
  6. Runner duck mom

    Duck Pen

    What a great idea! I really like that you put seed down in between, gives everything a chance to grow a bit before the ducks can reach it and they don't trample all over the seedlings. Very cute and very clean ducks 😊 Looks like you have the big cement mixing tub as a pool as well. They are...
  7. Runner duck mom

    How should I introduce my ducks

    We just introduced two new girls into our flock and things went surprisingly well. The two new girls are just over 2 months and pretty much fully feathered. We just have our 2 boys separated from the girls until they get a bit older. You could always set up a small pen where all the ducks can...
  8. Runner duck mom

    Duck Pen

    I suppose it depends on what your yard/ garden looks like. If there are low spots where there are puddles you could always fill them in with stone, round pebbles that won't hurt the ducks feet. I've seen some people use straw or wood chips in their duck run. It would probably have to be...
  9. Runner duck mom

    Duck Housing

    Our ducks have a dog door that leads into a pen in our garage at night. They sure can be trained to use one. You'll just want to remove the plastic flap and use the hard plastic cover to open and close for them. Since it is a relatively small yard you could always put up bird netting to keep...
  10. Runner duck mom

    Duck Run

    Nice! We have the same drain setup for our pool as well. Nice to just open the valve and have the water drain outside the run.
  11. Runner duck mom

    Duck Run

    We modeled our run off of this one because our yard is on a slope. It's 8' x 16' for 5 runner ducks. If you can I would suggest building over buying. You can make it just how you'd like it and probably have more square footage...
  12. Runner duck mom

    Redoing duck run! I need tips, and coop ideas!

    Right now we are at 24 feet per duck and it is manageable with a little daily cleaning up. We have a duck visiting who will be going to her new home soon which will bring us up to 28 feet per duck. This is ideal for us.
  13. Runner duck mom

    Redoing duck run! I need tips, and coop ideas!

    We use mulch in our duck run with landscape fabric underneath to keep the mulch from sinking into the ground. Just be sure to overlap the fabric when it's layed down. If there are any gaps/ openings the ducks will find them and get down into the dirt.
  14. Runner duck mom

    a friend for peter

    I agree 😊 If it were me I would get 2 more female wood ducks. Less drama with all girls and if (hopefully not) something happens to one the others won't be left alone. Until then I would try putting a mirror in with her. Our one duck was solo for a bit and she loved it.
  15. Runner duck mom

    Would be grateful for any advice

    You could always try soaking her in the tub too, a warm bath and getting her floating around and off her feet may help her relax enough to pass an egg. Not sure if you have them inside all the time, just be careful not to give a warm bath and then put her back outside so she doesn't get chilled...
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