Recent content by S0rcy

  1. S0rcy

    Corvallis, Oregon 4 buff orps, 1 red sex link for sale

    Holly and Tsa I've sent you both pms Thank you so much for giving a good home to some of my girls. Two of these girls are left for anyone who would like to claim them.
  2. S0rcy

    Corvallis, Oregon 4 buff orps, 1 red sex link for sale

    Holly, I am asking 10 for each.
  3. S0rcy

    Corvallis, Oregon 4 buff orps, 1 red sex link for sale

    Thanks TSA I'll post some pics after I get some today when it cools off, they won't come out from under the grapevine for anything right now. The red is a rescue from another farm where she was picked on terribly. It's been a month and she's nice and big now and her head looks much better. The...
  4. S0rcy

    Corvallis, Oregon 4 buff orps, 1 red sex link for sale

    In Corvallis, Oregon. I can deliver to a reasonable distance (eugene up to salem out to lebanon) The four buff orps are just 20 week old pullets, the red sex link is 3 years still laying. She was picked on by a larger group of chickens she was with but the feathers on her head are growing back...
  5. S0rcy

    New Hen... When should she lay eggs??

    It took my rescue hen about a week to a week and a half to get comfortable with us and now is laying an egg a day for us
  6. S0rcy

    Maximum # of chickens for a family of 6

    I have four buff orps and one red sex link. Care is about 10 minutes a day and however long you want to spend spoiling, petting, spoiling some more, giving treats, talking until your significant other comes out and asks if you are going to give THEM any attention tonite, and final pats and...
  7. S0rcy

    Yay! Rescue hen laid for me :D

    I recently adopted a 3 year old hen (second rescue) a week ago that had half her comb picked off by a flock. Today I was freshening the coop, making sure the water was changed, etc when I saw an egg in a nest box. It's pretty big so I'm pretty sure it's not one of my 4 that are barely egg laying...
  8. S0rcy

    Using whole grains to avoid commercial feed?

    I was considering a raw diet for my beagle, but I could not be sure that the meat I can get would be safe enough, so I went for a cooked diet for him instead. I do the same thing for the chickens. All meat is cooked before it is given to them. The veggies come from home
  9. S0rcy

    What age can you introduce specific treats?

    Mine really liked mealworms when little. They were confused by the crickets until just one moved, then it was a free for all. After that anything with protein was fair game. Veggies such as zuchinni strips were great too They weren't much for carrots and still aren't. Plain yogurt for them...
  10. S0rcy

    Plants for the run

    I've got it! Mock strawberry semi vining. Says it is not poisonous and the chickens may like it.
  11. S0rcy

    Introducing an older hen to younger chickens?

    oil seeds are also known as Black Oil Sunflower Seeds (BOSS) they should be readily available at any feed store, mine had it available in 20 and 50 pound bags. Henrietta is pretty thin so the oil seeds should help put some weight on her.
  12. S0rcy

    Do chickens like a bath?

    Tried it. The only thing my chickens did was drink from it. Then they went to wallow in the shade of the oak tree! Same thing with Henrietta, my new 3 year old. Went directly to the wallow and dug in for five minutes then flapped around, really getting that dust in, and spent forever preening...
  13. S0rcy

    Wyandotte STOPPED laying. Too hot?

    Is she doing everything else she usually does, or does she seem 'hot and irritated'? I saw someone gave crushed ice to their birds, that might cool her off a bit That or some frozen veggies?
  14. S0rcy

    Crusty Butts

    If they were in poor conditions, they may just be too exhausted and worn down to clean themselves. Give them a helping hand and remove the crustiness with some baby wipes, they will probably feel better and begin grooming themselves a bit better
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