Recent content by samteel

  1. samteel

    Messy newbees

    I have some new additions to my flock all four months old. They are getting along with the mature birds about as well as their pecking order will allow. The problem is that some of them have decided to roost in the nests and are doing their usual business there as versus under the roost with...
  2. samteel

    sick chicken

    Does this require surgery? Will she survive that?
  3. samteel

    sick chicken

    My 4+ year old Rhode Island red hen has a large internal swelling (baseball size) near her vent. She can walk but with grate discomfort. I'd like to take her to a vet if there is one near Monterey, California that has experience treating poultry. Can you recommend one?
  4. samteel

    Chicken water nipples reviews?

    I installed a nipple system but the girls won't use them. They only like their old watering can. I took it away after a few days and they were clearly very thirsty. I thought I had the nipples installed too low so I raised them to slightly above their normal eye level. No luck. They still ignore...
  5. samteel

    Naughty hen

    One of my five month old pullets has decided to peck open and eat several of the other hens eggs on a daily basis. She stands next to the nesting hen and as soon as the hen leaves the nest she attacks the egg. Any one know a non-lethal cure?
  6. samteel

    Fumigating the coop

    I suspect that my flock is infested with a parasite that is gnawing the base of their feathers as I see a lot of "flakes" below the roost. Is it possible to kill the pests by fumigating the entire coop with a household pest bomb? I can seal off the ventilation to the outside air fairly...
  7. samteel

    Hen that crows

    I have a Barred Plymouth Rock hen about two years old that has always been a good layer and still is. This last week she began to crow every morning. She sounds like a young rooster, but clearly a rooster. Is this a common occurrence? Sam
  8. samteel

    Candeling Martan eggs

    These eggs are so dark chocolate colored that I can't get much light to go through. Any advice? Or is it not possible to candel them with any accuracy?
  9. samteel

    The eggs arrived two days after shipping via Priority mail. They were all carefully packaged and...

    The eggs arrived two days after shipping via Priority mail. They were all carefully packaged and in perfect shape. They are in the incubator. Due to hatch 4/11/12. Thanks for all the communication and prompt service. Sam Teel
  10. samteel

    AUCTION - 12 + Wheaten - Blue Wheaten Ameraucana eggs

    I would like to have some of your hens that lay those beautiful eggs. I currently have one Americana that lays olive colored eggs but more importantly to me she is really a nice chicken. Lots of personality but not at all aggressive with the other hens. I am impressed with the high bid of $90...
  11. samteel

    AUCTION - 12 + Wheaten - Blue Wheaten Ameraucana eggs

    So, I will bid $26.00 at this point. Sam Teel
  12. samteel

    Adoption of new (day old) chicks by non-brooding hen?

    Can hens be induced to adopt new chicks?
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