Recent content by sariua

  1. sariua

    7 wk. old Golden Comet Pics!

    Ohh very pretty. :]
  2. sariua

    Chick Loss Question..

    I'm buying chicks today and I really just want about six or so total when they grow up. What are your experiences with Chick Deaths? Are they common? If so, why? Have you ever lost any chicks? I was reading a book and it said something about buying 25% more chicks than what you want to end up...
  3. sariua

    Newbie with light question...

    This is kinda off topic, but you say you are getting Rhode Island Reds on the 3rd of June, on a tuesday? I am also, and find this ironic. Do you live in the pacific northwest?
  4. sariua

    2 week olds - pictures (big)

    Hey, very cute chicks. What type are EE's?
  5. sariua

    Some causes of EARLY CHICK MORTALITY

    Good to know.
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