Recent content by saucywomyn

  1. saucywomyn

    Saucywomyns Member Page

    March 19, 2011 Well, we're starting week 3, so far I'm loving this chicken thing! Quick backstory: Our neighbors had to suddenly move to the coast, and we offered to take their 11 hens and one roo. They're somewhat cross-bred from Ameraucana and Orpingtons. One has yellow feet and barred...
  2. saucywomyn

    One chick hatched early...need a bit of help going to sleep

    She'll be fine. Go to sleep. They don't eat for the first day or 2 anyway.
  3. saucywomyn

    They don't like me very much

    Mine like oatmeal, leftover rice, and fruit like grapes and cherries. But their favorite treat of all? Chicken scratch (cracked corn). They go for that first and then eat the other stuff I mentioned after the scratch is gone.
  4. saucywomyn

    Crossed beak chick--pics attached

    Thanks, I did not think about the waterers...will take a look at that. Yup, they are fat little babies so far. They are treat-obsessed just like ther rest of the flock!
  5. saucywomyn

    Crossed beak chick--pics attached

    Oh no--We just hatched 2 chicks (the natural way--using a broody hen), and at 3 weeks, I just noticed one of them has a crossed beak. Looks pretty bad, but the chicks are almost the same size and growing every day--so far no one is undernourished. They have a GREAT mamma who dotes on them...
  6. saucywomyn

    Help! I've got a broody hen and I'm inexperienced at this!

    Thank you to everyone for your help and advice (and the links are very informative too)!
  7. saucywomyn

    Help! I've got a broody hen and I'm inexperienced at this!

    Yay, I did it!! I used rose-pruning gloves, and she did try a couple of lighthearted pecks, but much less aggressive than when some of them eat scratch out of my bare hand. I put her on the ground and she just sat there clucking very quietly. There were 8 eggs (including 1 from the Barred...
  8. saucywomyn

    Help! I've got a broody hen and I'm inexperienced at this!

    Well, I started to pick her up, but I'm ashamed to say, she turned her head and looked at me...and I chickened out. She's wedged in a corner and I have to hover directly over her to pick her up, and I have this image in my mind of her flying up and attacking me. So I will try again after it...
  9. saucywomyn

    Help! I've got a broody hen and I'm inexperienced at this!

    Oh, I thought I'd mention, the chickens are all at least a couple of years old. I inherited them from their previous owners, who had to move and couldn't keep them. So the chickens know what they're doing, it's just me who's new at this!
  10. saucywomyn

    Help! I've got a broody hen and I'm inexperienced at this!

    Hi, I'm new to chickens--only had my full grown Ameraucanas for a couple of months now. 10 hens and a rooster. Suddenly, one of the girls has been sitting in one of the nests for 2 straight days. I can't get her to move. She isn't aggressive, she actually seems like she's trying to ignore...
  11. saucywomyn

    Oprah Wingfree looks like she's on death's door

    It is like her legs are paralyzed...I gave her a warm bath because she had dried poo on her back end (and because some people here recommended it), and she didn't move a muscle. She did close her eyes and I think the warm bath felt good, but now she's just lying on a towel not moving. Her...
  12. saucywomyn

    Oprah Wingfree looks like she's on death's door

    Previously she had an open sore, which turned out to be from the rooster. That healed up, and then a couple of weeks ago she was limping very badly for several days. She mostly stayed in the coop, and then she got better, limp almost gone. Now yesterday I noticed she wasn't coming over for...
  13. saucywomyn

    Open sore/feathers missing on hen--what is it?

    Update: The former owners came by and told me it's from the rooster. Has cleared up completely, but new problems with her including limping, which went away too,and now she won't eat and is laying on her stomach with her legs behind her. I think she may have been eggbound...found 2 poopy eggs...
  14. saucywomyn

    Open sore/feathers missing on hen--what is it?

    Just one rooster, and now that I think about it, the sore is right where his feet tend to "latch on" if you know what I mean. Since there are 11 hens, I figured no one would get too much 'attention' from him and therefore avoid injury. I'll keep an eye on things and report back. BTW...
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