Recent content by Savy

  1. Savy

    Need advice for my sick chick

    Her legs feel cool, but her body feels warm under her feathers. She kicked her feet when I picked her up, She is moving her tail and seems a bit responsive. Most of the day her poop seemed normal, but now it's all runny.
  2. Savy

    Need advice for my sick chick

    I had already given her the oil when I saw your first response warning me not to. She doesn't seem any worse for it as of yet. She is well below 50% of her ideal weight, she's just skin and bone at this point. Do you think she can bounce back at all?
  3. Savy

    Need advice for my sick chick

    She does seem to be breathing through her mouth, you think this means she may have lipid pneumonia? Her breathing doesn't sound labored or anything. She is very underweight though.
  4. Savy

    Need advice for my sick chick

    I'm going to try "the spa treatment" listed here to see if it helps. I still don't know about tube feeding, it seems so extreme. There seems to be something else wrong with her that we can't diagnose, so would it really help to tube feed?
  5. Savy

    Need advice for my sick chick

    I think you are right. I'm giving her more water now, but she is barely eating. I don't know how to tube feed, and I don't know that I want to go that far just yet. Any ideas on how to entice her to eat?
  6. Savy

    Need advice for my sick chick

    I haven't seen her drinking so I am not sure. I have been squirting water in her mouth whenever I get a chance.
  7. Savy

    Need advice for my sick chick

    The situation seems to have worsened. She is bobbing her head in a repetitive motion and slowly opening and closing her beak. Her eyes are usually closed and she seems less aware of her surroundings. She eats if I hold food right in front of her face, and sometimes even on her own. She hasn't...
  8. Savy

    Need advice for my sick chick

    Thank you for your advice! For some reason she won't eat her normal feed. She just turns her nose up to it. I will try the chopped hard boiled egg. Thank you!
  9. Savy

    Need advice for my sick chick

    I'm also wondering if I should start my other chickens on Corid just in case to prevent an outbreak, although they aren't showing any signs of coccidia. If I do give them Corid, will I ever be able to eat their eggs again?
  10. Savy

    Need advice for my sick chick

    My sweetest baby chicken Little Hawk has been diagnosed with coccidia and a bacterial infection. She isn't even a year old yet. The vet put her on albon liquid to treat the coccidia and batril suspention for the bacterial infection. She is not eating well, and has stopped drinking! I have been...
  11. Savy

    Chicken Run: Covered or Not?

    We need to build a run. We have a chain-link fence and turkey wire to do so. We were thinking of putting up a perimeter of at least 4ft high around the coop. We may put wire up around the edges of the run at an inward angle, which would cover the run just at the perimeter. Is it essential that...
  12. Savy

    Building the ideal chicken run

    I just adopted 3 Brown Bovans. A friend found me a small coop (about 4ft x 3.5ft) for free on Craig's List. Now we just need to build a run. We have a chain-link fence and turkey wire. We were thinking of putting up a perimeter of at least 4ft high around the coop. Is it essential that we cover...
  13. Savy

    Hello from the Rocky Mountain Region!

    Greetings and salutations! My name is Savy. I have worked on a couple of farms with chickens in the past. I just adopted three Brown Bovan chickens from Grants Family Farms which was an organic farm that went bankrupt. The chickens are being housed in my friend's coop for the time being. I just...
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