Recent content by Scalco

  1. Scalco

    Losing chickens

    I think that is it! We lost that chicken this morning but I am going to treat my other girls! Thank you so much!
  2. Scalco

    Losing chickens

    About a week ago I went out to find my year and a half old black Cochan frizzle roo in a little ball. He refused to eat and drink. He died later that day. I thought that maybe it was the cold (it has been colder than usual in Louisiana this winter). Now my Buff Orpington is falling over I got...
  3. Scalco

    Was this a hawk attack?

    He was free ranging and we do have hawks. Most of the feathers were in the same space the small feathers were scattered by the wind I think. I haven't been able to catch him yet he is staying in my brush filled tree line and in the sand pad under my hubby's trailer. I will get him when he...
  4. Scalco

    Was this a hawk attack?

    He has a bloody spot where the feathers were ALL pulled out.
  5. Scalco

    Was this a hawk attack?

    I am wondering if a possible coon or opossum?
  6. Scalco

    Help Identifying predatorr!!!! BUSTED!!!! I CAUGHT THEM!

    We had a possum do that to ours.
  7. Scalco

    Was this a hawk attack?

    This is what I went out to this morning when I went to check on my chickens. What could have pulled out all of my juvenile rooster's tail feathers? He is ok but I want this to stop!
  8. Scalco

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    I live in Gonzales.
  9. Scalco


    Thank you for my wonderful welcomes! I really do enjoy my chickens. On a sad note my sick chicken did die. I tried everything I read about to save her but it just was not ment to be. My other girls and a boy are doing good and we plan to add to the flock this spring!
  10. Scalco


    Hello! I am new to chickens. As a little girl my cousin and I always wanted a farm and a bunch of kids. We each have a three and sence My hubby and I moved to "the country" post Katrina I have been begging him for a few chickens. I got my chance to take them home when his mother bought 6 chicks...
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