Recent content by scobb

  1. scobb

    Dirt in Run?

    I have sand in my run and it works very well. I do poop scoop it each day but this is my choice. I also have sand in the coop and nest boxes. I put pine shavings over the sand in the nest boxes. I also have a poop board in my coop under the roosts. I line the poop board with clean newspaper...
  2. scobb

    Got sand? You should!

    Why not use sand in the nest box? I have sand in my nest box because at least 2 of my 5 hens sleep and poop in there. I poop scope with a kitty litter scoper every morning. Also, why would sand be problem in the winter? I am new to having chickens and have been using sand in the run, the...
  3. scobb

    Got sand? You should!

    Do you put sand in the nest boxes as well? I have a very small 4 chicken coop, 2 levels. The top is the roost and nest boxes. I have been using pine shavings. Should I change completely over to sand, even in the roost and next boxes?
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