Recent content by sealteam1234

  1. sealteam1234

    What is your friendliest Chicken? What breed is it?

    I have japan bantam, this dude is mean and spurs you every chance he gets. Gets my wife the dogs and chase the cat. Wont do it as long as you look at him. Turn your head and wham. What can I do about it?
  2. sealteam1234


    Too Funny
  3. sealteam1234


    Well I have a Japanese bantam, And he is mean. spurred my wife and me in back the leg, and now he even goes after my rots. I have only one female and him. I let them out in the morning to run the yard. and hang with us on the poach. But now he really getting mean .He spurred my dog good and my...
  4. happy japan's

    happy japan's

  5. sealteam1234

    what kind of chicken is this chicken

    not sure, I know nothing but he is a chicken, I swam with sharks, not chickens lol
  6. sealteam1234

    what kind of chicken is this chicken

    I'll get a better picture in the morning but the dam thing sure crows in the morning
  7. sealteam1234

    what kind of chicken is this chicken

    okay, thank you. Did not know any of that. Learning so much so quick. This is going to be a neat hobby. Thank you again SEAL
  8. sealteam1234

    what kind of chicken is this chicken

    No, I don't have any other chickens. this on has not layed any eggs in a week now. So it be a rooster right
  9. sealteam1234

    what kind of chicken is this chicken

    Ill try today, no he crows load. I mean load. My neighbors like it ,for real. But I'll get a close up and better pic, I want to get some females and planning a bigger coop. drawing some plans today
  10. sealteam1234

    what kind of chicken is this chicken

    He pretty rooster and makes a lot of crows in the morning. Its awesome.
  11. sealteam1234

    Hi New to this

    Well , Thank you for the reply. And thank you for the welcome. well I just retired out the navy, and have 4 Germany rotts that served with me. So I and my wife thought that it be the extend of it all. But I guess on of the local kids in town bought these chickens up the road. And this one live...
  12. sealteam1234

    Hi New to this

    Well getting all types of tips and ideals. And think I have ideal for a pat.
  13. sealteam1234

    not bad for my first coop huh

    not bad for my first coop. I need plans for a walk in one
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