Recent content by Seeleyhomestead

  1. Seeleyhomestead

    Ok on my second hatch 20 blue feather legged cochin eggs NEED HELP

    Well all but 4 out of 20 hatched. the four that did not pip yet I will leave for one more night but I'm happy with my 16 babies turned out not to bad
  2. Seeleyhomestead

    Ok on my second hatch 20 blue feather legged cochin eggs NEED HELP

    thank you the two that were zipping just popped out so I think there may only be 6 that will not make it they have not even pipped yet this is the last batch for me for the year I THINK...LOL. I saw this breed and loved the blue so I wanted to add them to my flock of yard chickens.
  3. Seeleyhomestead

    Ok on my second hatch 20 blue feather legged cochin eggs NEED HELP

    Thank you Amy I was worried! maybe the humidity got to high during incubation and I didn't catch it it is dropping to the 80s now so Im not as worried. The chicks in there now seem to be doing alright and I have two zipping right now sorry I panicked
  4. Seeleyhomestead

    Ok on my second hatch 20 blue feather legged cochin eggs NEED HELP

    Well I have opened all the vent holes but the humidity is not dropping and the ones that have pipped will drown if the humidity stays to high for to long. the little one I helped had egg goo dripping from his beak that was why I helped him he was also sealed in the shell before I opened the...
  5. Seeleyhomestead

    Ok on my second hatch 20 blue feather legged cochin eggs NEED HELP

    20 blue feather legged cochin eggs put in bator march 22 today is day 23 they started pipping yesterday. temp and humidity was 100.1 and 71% till the first chick hatched. After the 6th chick hatched the humidity jumped over 90% and I saw one chick that zipped halfway then was having allot of...
  6. Seeleyhomestead

    what to do on day 18 (eggs lay flat or in cartons?) *Eggtopsy* *Graphic*

    All the little ones that did hatch are doing wonderful and are eating and drinking fine. Please excuse my daughters dirty fingernails she was feeding the chicks
  7. Seeleyhomestead

    what to do on day 18 (eggs lay flat or in cartons?) *Eggtopsy* *Graphic*

    I know it was horrible and I felt afoul cause there was nothing I could do All the baby's were put to rest in the flower garden. at least now I know what happened to them.
  8. Seeleyhomestead

    what to do on day 18 (eggs lay flat or in cartons?) *Eggtopsy* *Graphic*

    Now the last egg was extremely hard for me to do and i baled like a baby It was still Alive but it was never going to make it it was really deformed no eyes, brain exposed, and deformed beak.
  9. Seeleyhomestead

    what to do on day 18 (eggs lay flat or in cartons?) *Eggtopsy* *Graphic*

    This egg was pipped internally but not externally so I believe no oxygen was at fault
  10. Seeleyhomestead

    what to do on day 18 (eggs lay flat or in cartons?) *Eggtopsy* *Graphic*

    The next one was a silkie that I think dyed before hatch day now this egg was leaning against the turner moter and was not getting the same amount of shift the others were so I don't know if.this was a factor or not It did not have eyes
  11. Seeleyhomestead

    what to do on day 18 (eggs lay flat or in cartons?) *Eggtopsy* *Graphic*

    The first egg that I started on had pipped but didn't hatch I think it was because the chicks had knocked him against the wall of the incubator and the hole was covered. he also still had some yolk left in the shell
  12. Seeleyhomestead

    what to do on day 18 (eggs lay flat or in cartons?) *Eggtopsy* *Graphic*

    To make it easier for the people following my thread I'm going to put the eggtopsy's on the same thread so if you have a weak tummy DO NOT LOOK!!!
  13. Seeleyhomestead

    what to do on day 18 (eggs lay flat or in cartons?) *Eggtopsy* *Graphic*

    So the other eggs did not hatch and I was wondering if I should just put the eggtopsy's in this thread or is there a different thread to put them in. I did learn allot from them and know why they did not hatch.
  14. Seeleyhomestead

    what to do on day 18 (eggs lay flat or in cartons?) *Eggtopsy* *Graphic*

    They will be 2 more weeks in the inside brooder then 2 weeks in the outside brooder then he can take it from there
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