Recent content by seramas

  1. seramas

    Stopped laying, it's been 7 months, something isnt right. PLEASE HELP!

    You mentioned you feed cow-manna (calf-manna). It is very rich in vitamins and minerals, some of which can trigger laying if they are low and if levels are too high will stop birds from laying (copper comes to mind). Calf-manna should be less that 5% of daily diet which would be about 2 ounces...
  2. seramas

    -20 and below-frozen egg issues

    lots of shredded newspaper without 3-60 watt lights.
  3. seramas

    -20 and below-frozen egg issues

    Lots of shreeded newspaper.
  4. seramas

    23 weeks. Still not laying. Anyone else?

    Has anyone used Calf Manna to increase proteins in your chickens’ diet? It is very good and only takes 2 tablespoons per bird per day. I start at 15 weeks (egg layers) and between 17 to 19 weeks everybody is laying eggs (ISA browns, Pearl Leghorns, Buff Orpingtons). They love it, I feed it to...
  5. seramas

    Silkie Haters

    We have lots, haven't meet a kid that didn't want to take one home for a pet! Most of ours are just pet quality. This is Mae West a 6 yr old hen that loves to have her picture taken. Jud loves to be held and will shake hands and play dead. He's a 3 yr old Serama (Silky feathered not a...
  6. seramas

    Will that be sunny side up?

    I do not like destroying these tiny eggs just to prove a worthless point, but today one was damaged and I thought some might like to see a very tiny Serama egg. (Posted this to the wrong category earlier)
  7. seramas

    People ever give you a hard time about...

    Don't tell if they don't ask. If they ask I tell. If they don't like it, it is they that must deal with it. Almost all we eat comes from our garden, greenhouse or what we raised. If we spend $15 at the grocery store it usually for spices and such we can't make ourselves. Most think it is a good...
  8. seramas


    If you are buying 3000 chicks (Cornish x) at a time, the per chick cost can be as low as 52 cents each (straight run). I would shop around and haggle for the best possible price. If you’re not locked into a given number of chicks sometimes you can buy what is unsold for even cheaper per bird...
  9. seramas

    Freezer Purchasing Advice

    We freeze a years supply of food from the garden, orchard, berry patches, chicken, turkey, rabbit, fish and pork using three 5 cubic Foot and three 7.5cf chest style freezers. They are not self-defrosting. They are filled in a way that allows empting one freeze at a time, this prevent frost...
  10. seramas

    Getting mad at my meaties..... is this right?

    Here are some pictures (taken every 4 days) of Cornish x chicks standing on a 100 count chick delivery box. day 4 day 8 day 12 day 16 day 20 day 24 This is a picture of a 5 week old chick from the last batch we raised. He is a little muddy; this picture was taken after 11...
  11. seramas

    HELP - Meat birds trampling each other

    Like Lazy J said space is important. They need space to get away form heat lamps, space at the water fountains and feeders. As they get bigger (as in heavier) this becomes very important. They have very sharp toe nails that can cut open the other birds when they try to climb over each other to...
  12. seramas

    Organic feed for Broilers

    With the Bio-fuels, has anyone thought about what happens to the pesticides, herbicides, insecticide and what ever else in the vegetation that is used to make these 'green' fuels with. Are we now breathing these? Never gave it a thought before reading Bossroo’s post about his mileage going down...
  13. seramas

    which vacum sealer do you guys use?

    We use the shrink bags like jaku does from the same place. There are several different sizes. In the past we've tried many different bags and sealers and there is nothing like the shrink bags. The best thing is when the wife is looking for the 'right' bird and moving everything around in the...
  14. seramas

    Anywhere in Southern Indiana That slaughters poultry?

    You have a large Amish community in your area. They do wonderful work and are very reasonable.
  15. seramas

    HELP - Meat birds trampling each other

    Raroo is right, they don't need that temperature. That is the optimum night time temperature for weight gain. When temps especially at night drop below 60F feed/weight gain ratios changes considerably. But Raroo is right they do prefer cooler temperatures.
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