Recent content by Sergio R

  1. Sergio R

    THE Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco Thread; Hatches, etc. (PICS)

    Has anybody had a cradle making kind of like a ticking/popping noise constantly? I took my loaded incubator off from the cradle and the noise was still there, it seems to have gotten better over night but want to know it there is something i can do if the noise comes back
  2. Sergio R

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    6 week old Blue Ameraucana Pullet or cockerel?
  3. Sergio R

    No Crow Rooster collar

    I had roosters when growing up and i would say there's more pros than cons to having the right rooster, Wellsummer roosters are full of awesome colors. And about your rooster's behavioral issues, don't give up, maybe separate him completely for a month or 2 where he doesn't even see the hens...
  4. Sergio R

    No Crow Rooster collar

    That is awesome Which rooster did you buy? I've been looking at his page on and off for a while But i have a hard time convincing my wife that a rooster is worth $400-$500 lol I live in the city and I'm not allowed to have a rooster, so I've been trying the collar technique with some vellcro...
  5. Sergio R

    No Crow Rooster collar

    Do you still have your rooster you bought from I've heard they are more prone to respiratory diseases after having that surgery done
  6. Sergio R

    Pullet with the left side of her face swollen, please help!

    Just an update: So last week i took the one that looked the sickest (my white leghorn) to the Vet and the vet said she thought it was more than likely MG, she harvested some samples and sent them in for testing, results finally came back and they were not positive nor negative but instead...
  7. Sergio R

    Tylan and Egg Withdrawal?

    My chickens just got prescribed Tylan powder in their water as well and the Vet was pretty specific about not eating the eggs for 6 weeks after But most of the info I found here is contradicted. Maybe I should call the company that manufactures Tylan and see what they recommend and why
  8. Sergio R

    Pullet with the left side of her face swollen, please help!

    Mi final count is 8 birds out of 21 are showing one or another symptom, and those 8 are separated at the moment and they all have been treated like you recommended and injected with Tylan
  9. Sergio R

    Pullet with the left side of her face swollen, please help!

    So i went to let the girls out this morning and at leat 3 more of my adult hens are showing symptoms and Sandy the buff orpington has some bubbles in her eye. Question is; should i just treat the entire flock with Tylan or should i keep separating the sick ones and treat them one at a time?
  10. Sergio R

    Pullet with the left side of her face swollen, please help!

    Do i use Tylan every day until the pullets are completely back to Normal or should I wait a few days before repeating the dosage?
  11. Sergio R

    Pullet with the left side of her face swollen, please help!

    I just bought some Tylan Today, hopefully i see some improvements soon. If one of the pullets is laying is it ok to eat the eggs while on Tylan?
  12. Sergio R

    Pullet with the left side of her face swollen, please help!

    I did separated them and have not seen any of the symptoms on the rest of the pullets, The cooko maran is almost back to normal but still limping some. I was gonna try to look for some Tylan at the Tractor supply store, what is the difference between Tylan 50 and Tylan 200? Thanks in advance
  13. Sergio R

    Pullet with the left side of her face swollen, please help!

    So i have 2 pullets that started showing similar symptoms at 1 day apart, Wednesday morning I noticed my cooko maran pullet had some swollen face under her right eye, and noticed when I touched it it seemed like it hurt her and there was some discharge through her nose, so I separated her from...
  14. Sergio R

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Wardle feed does not sell true Ameraucanas, they get their chicks from some "breader" in Hudson CO and they miss label their birds all the time. Their guys lie to you just to sell you the chickens, last fall I bought 2 "california greys" and 1 leghorn, instead i ended up with 2 barred rocks and...
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