Recent content by SGL70

  1. SGL70

    WiFi Cameras

    An old phone (a smart phone, not old-old) with a web cam server installed might do the job...just enter the IP of the server, in your browser
  2. SGL70

    Coop automation

    @WILIFORD I will use a motor from a 18VDC cordless drill that will be hooked up to a H-bridge....I hope anyway. Good to know there are options. The use of an Arduino (ATTiny85, if possible) is not really needed, but it makes my inner geek happy :)
  3. SGL70

    Insulated Coop

    Deep litter method looks really good, so I am adjusting the design to accomodate that. Hunting season started this monday, so my neighbours are all gearing up. I kind of miss that - it has been some time since i did hunt for year I will go (bringing the kids along)
  4. SGL70

    Insulated Coop

    yeah...Measure twice, cut once :) Anyway, I am very happy for the input and as you say - the cost of making an error at this point is really cheap.
  5. SGL70

    Insulated Coop

    I am starting to realise that...hmm...I will have to redo the design, methinks
  6. SGL70

    Insulated Coop

    @Alaskan I had a look at your coop (did the moose survive?) and I feel like I might need to rethink the need for insulation (I have had 90 mm rockwool in mind)... You look to have a nice place, in all... Greger
  7. SGL70

    Insulated Coop

    Thanks for your suggestions! Super! I have commented on them: Not that windy, at all. Very low humidity and temperatures around -15 to -20F, but with the potential to dip beyond that. I would say that humidity might come into play during autumn, normally. I am at the top of the Gulf of...
  8. SGL70

    Insulated Coop

    Thanks! I know that hardware cloth is used to hinder mice, but I haven't seen them "in use" yet. Regarding the roof...yeah, I might just do that, as winter's here are seriously dark. That's a great idea! EDIT: There are some commercial product regarding mice. Just found this (goes under the...
  9. SGL70

    Coop and Run Project - 5 Years in the Making

    Wow...impressive build! ....and all those tools/toys!:thumbsup
  10. SGL70

    Insulated Coop

    Thanks! I will do my utmost to keep rats/mice at bay. Not exactly sure what needs to be done, except not having any holes allowing access to the insulation. THe walls will have a barrier/foil under the inside wall panelling (houses are built that way around here - for insulation reasons...
  11. SGL70

    Insulated Coop

    Next year I will get 5 chickens and I hope to have a finished coop to greet them. I am planning for an insulated coop as winter can be a bit on the cold side. So with time on my hands, I set out to draw a design using SketchUp. (It has been a bit of a learning curve). The coop is to be 8 x 4...
  12. SGL70

    Coop automation

    After some rought treatment by SketchUp (Still no doors, windows, ventilation, panelling)
  13. SGL70

    Coop automation

    I wonder if a PIR (Passive InfraRed) sensor is flirting with could be a neat feature, but a predator could be handed the keys to the kingdom... The known predators around here are Cats, Dogs and the occational hawk et al. The animals I am most afraid of are mice and rats, though...
  14. SGL70

    Coop automation

    Waiting for parts to arrive is boring, so after reading up a bit, I started drawing the Coop-to-be using Sketchup: Work in progress....Sketchup is fighting back, every step of the way.... :) Greger
  15. SGL70

    Coop automation

    Yeah, I think I will have your suggestion of 4 hours of lighting as a starting point and take it from there.
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