Recent content by Sgt_P

  1. Sgt_P

    South Carolina

    Mandarin Ducklings in Myrtle Beach/Conway! I've got 5 summer hatchlings. They are feathered now, and two appear to be male. I also have one extra female from last year. They are For Sale to a local, good home, with an aviary. Message me for details...
  2. Sgt_P

    South Carolina

  3. Sgt_P

    Mandarin Ducks Mated Pair available in SC

    I have a proven pair of Mandarin Ducks for sale... They are one year old and from different breeders (the female is from NC and the male from WI.) I don't want to part with them, but I have limited space in my duck aviary and need to let one pair go. I'd prefer they are sold locally (driving...
  4. Sgt_P

    Mandarin ducklings sexing?

    I've been warned against Vent-Sexing. Because I don't know what I'm doing, I'm told I could do damage. So I've avoided that avenue...
  5. Sgt_P

    South Carolina

    I have a proven pair of Mandarin Ducks for sale. They are one year old and from different breeders (the female is from NC and the male from WI.) I don't want to part with them, but I have limited space in my duck aviary and need to let one pair go. I'd prefer they are sold locally (driving...
  6. Sgt_P

    Mandarin ducklings sexing?

    Mandarin ducklings and even "teenagers" are tough to tell the sex. Adults are easy: Males have red bills and "Caution Yellow" legs. Females, greyish bills and greyish legs. But that first summer the juveniles females can have hints of red in their bills and juvenile males have grey-ish legs...
  7. Sgt_P

    Mandarin ducklings male or female?

    I'm not a "facebook" person, but I think there are some groups on there as well. Don't be afraid to order from non-local (other than cost). I got two males from WI mailed and they did great. I think people mail chickens and such quite often, although the winter is probably not preferable...
  8. Sgt_P

    Mandarin ducklings male or female?

    Check craigs list locally. They can be tough to find this time of year...
  9. Sgt_P

    Mandarin ducklings male or female?

    Get one more girl. Mandarins pair up...
  10. Sgt_P

    Mandarin ducklings male or female?

    They don't stay ducklings for long! The red bill, and yellow legs are the "tell" that it's a male. Although it's tough to tell when they are very young. By now, they should really be starting to feather out and you can tell the difference. Let us know if you still have questions!
  11. Sgt_P

    Beginner's guide to raising mandarin ducks?

    Mandarin's are easy to take care of. The only difficulty is incubating. Mine are "tame", but not like domestic ducks. I go in the aviary at least twice a day, and they aren't flighty, etc. But they don't want to be held. Treats are key! One pair is fine, but the more the merrier...
  12. Sgt_P

    Pending disaster? (duck egg incubating)

    One of the seven looks like a quitter. The shadow has moved down in the shell, but all the veins have disappeared and no movement. I'll give it time (at least until it is obvious it died.) The other 6 are in varying degrees of dropping down in the shells. A few have moved down some, and a...
  13. Sgt_P

    Mandarin Duck eggs in the incubator... My first time trying this.

    One of the seven looks like a quitter. The shadow has moved down in the shell, but all the veins have disappeared and no movement. I'll give it time (at least until it is obvious it died.) The other 6 are in varying degrees of dropping down in the shells. A few have moved down some, and a...
  14. Sgt_P

    Pending disaster? (duck egg incubating)

    I pride myself on being a positive person, so it pains me to seem negative and frightful. But it's an amazing thing to witness and feel responsible for. And knowing that mistakes I may have made could be detrimental to those little precious ducklings just guts me. I am hopeful. And I'm...
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