Recent content by shakenbake

  1. shakenbake

    Runaway chicken

    Maybe you could leave her with the imprisoned rooster for a few days?
  2. shakenbake

    Help identifying chick at 4 weeks old

    Looks like a white EE. Look at those legs!
  3. shakenbake

    7 week old gender check

    I vote the white one, but not positive on that.
  4. shakenbake

    Can anyone help me identify my 'fry pan special' roosters?

    I was thinkin Black Australorps?
  5. shakenbake

    please tell me your chickens names.

    Omelet, Scrambled, Rocky (BR) and Kabuki (because it has a white face).
  6. shakenbake

    Squatting chick

    No, I don't think so. Her legs are straight, the only problem I really see is that when I hold my finger out she doesn't try to latch to it with her toes.
  7. shakenbake

    Squatting chick

    Thanks everyone, she is a BO and my other BO is fine so I don't think it's a breed thing. I'll just wait it out and hope for the best.
  8. shakenbake

    Squatting chick

    I feel bad for naming her Scrambled....
  9. shakenbake

    Squatting chick

    I'm glad I'm not the only one! It's really bizarre, she was always smaller but I didn't worry about it because the other chicks are nice to her.
  10. shakenbake

    Squatting chick

    I have 3 week old chicks. All are fine except for one who never seems to want to stand. She is alert and healthy other than this. When I pick her up and set her back down she just kind of lays there, except her legs hold her up a little. I know she can walk because when I tap her legs she takes...
  11. shakenbake

    Can anyone help me identify?

    Quote: I agree
  12. shakenbake

    Buff Orpingtons?

    How old are they and are they straight run?
  13. shakenbake

    Buff Orpingtons?

    Actually the one in the middle may be a roo.
  14. shakenbake

    Buff Orpingtons?

    They all look like pullets to me.
  15. shakenbake

    Orpington dominant?

    Thanks so much I've always had flighty or aggressive breeds, so for a change I thought I'd get Orps and was fairly surprised.
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