Recent content by shawn.dearie

  1. shawn.dearie

    Oh these ducks... Prepared for rain and I got a wind storm (not literally)

    House is not raccoon proof, thus not predator proof... Got it! 😉 To the point of the post, does anyone have an idea about how I could possibly get the ducks into the house?
  2. shawn.dearie

    Oh these ducks... Prepared for rain and I got a wind storm (not literally)

    It is predator protected on the land side. If I had a raccoon that was laser focused on getting in there is nothing to stop them. The hope was to extend the hardware cloth out into the water and around to the front to hopefully disincentivize it from swimming around to find the opening. I...
  3. shawn.dearie

    Oh these ducks... Prepared for rain and I got a wind storm (not literally)

    Hello folks!!! Hoping someone can offer me some duck wisdom, or at least a shoulder to cry on over these dang ducks!!! I have none 7 week Rouens that I proudly reared from day old ducklings and dealt with the poop, and water, and smell to get them big enough to make the move out to their big...
  4. shawn.dearie

    Hardware cloth for roof?

    I hope it will work because that is exactly what I did!!! My coop/run is 30' long. I covered half of it with a roof, and left the other half open to give them some vitamin D and get in the sun... Also to help cut down on cost a little vs roofing.
  5. shawn.dearie

    Run help! Can't bury

    I laid down 2 ft of hardware cloth extending out from my run walls. It is a continuous piece of hardware cloth that is bent in a "L" shape... I used landscape fabric pins (5" long u shaped pins) to secure it in place. Grass is already growing through. I think it will be good to go, but I will...
  6. shawn.dearie

    Coop Predator Proofing

    Thanks! It is 12'x30' with 6' sidewalls. 360 sq ft, which should be more than enough for my 25 chicks. Since I am going to keep them enclosed 24/7, I wanted to give them a little more room... I always follow a piece of advice a mentor gave me years ago... Buy once, cry once. Figured I would...
  7. shawn.dearie

    Coop Predator Proofing

    Timely post. I am building my coop and run right now and just laid out my hardware cloth "apron". Two feet up the wall and two feet out. I am going to use landscape clothstakes to secure it in place and top it with some sod. Just need to get sidewall materials up and roof on back half (hardware...
  8. shawn.dearie

    Suggestions for duck housing with my pond

    Do you guys think this would work to keep out predators? I am thinking of taking two 4' lengths of hardware cloth cut approx 8' long to create two cylinders that I will attach to one another and anchor in the front of my house. This cylinder will be freestanding and will extend out into the...
  9. shawn.dearie

    My ducks are wandering too far!

    Poor Lloyd! Haha I laughed out loud when I read that. Following because I have 9 Rouena that I will be putting on my pond in the coming weeks.
  10. shawn.dearie

    First time chick parents... Go big or go home!

    Thanks! Hope you are doing well down there. Crazy times, with the metro NOLA area really being hit hard! We are in Folsom where things aren't too bad, but it looks like things are going to get worse in the coming days... Praying that things can slow down to give our healthcare workers a...
  11. shawn.dearie

    Suggestions for duck housing with my pond

    Luckily, we don't have any Gators on the pond. We shoot all of the snakes we see because my kids fish out there all of the time. My biggest worry is raccoons, so I think I am going to build their house right up against pond edge and extend hardware cloth about 6' into the water. Hopefully, that...
  12. shawn.dearie

    Suggestions for duck housing with my pond

    I am new to owning ducks, but made the plunge with 9 Rouen ducks because the wife wanted ducks for our pond. We have 1/2 pond on our property that is visible from the back porch, so she wanted to add some ducks in addition to the chickens I recently ordered from Murray McMurray. Does anyone...
  13. shawn.dearie

    First time chick parents... Go big or go home!

    I am going to be working on my coop/run tomorrow. I will be sure to post pics!
  14. shawn.dearie

    Hello all! New duck owner here...

    When you released the ducks in your friends pond, what kind of structure or housing did they have set up? Are you planning on having any sort of coop or housing for your new ducks? I ask because I am also new to ducks and have 9 Rouen ducks that are two weeks old. I have a half acre pond, but I...
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