Recent content by shegetsaround

  1. S

    Wood duck male or female?

    My neighbor found a hatching egg after the mother and other ducklings had left the nesting box. When will he be able to tell if it's male or female?
  2. S

    7 chicks + 1 merchick

    Our "old" coop is still home to 5 "old" ladies, a flock we get 1-3 eggs from per day now that spring is here. We are in process of laying the foundation for a new walk in coop. Picked up chicks today. Their temporary quarters are a converted cabinet. I love the photo where the chick looks like...
  3. S


    Hello, not new to BYC but finally signed up as member. I'm from a 3 sons, 1 husband household. We've had chickens continuously for the last 15 years. Fife, WA is historically an agricultural city, so we have limited ordinances against backyard chickens OR roosters. Our cats have ALWAYS loved the...
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