Recent content by Sherrie G

  1. Sherrie G

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Been busy working and taking care of my life! Been rough around these parts lately! Popcorn is doing an amazing job taking care of his ladies!
  2. Sherrie G

    Comment by 'Sherrie G' in article 'A Couple Chicken Problems And How To Fix Them'

    I have a hen who is not eating, sitting in a corner, periodically shaking her head, please can anyone help?
  3. Sherrie G

    WHAT SAYS BYC: WINTER IS COMING!! How do I keep my chickens warm?

    I would just close in the coop, we built ours enclosed with a long run, I put extra straw on the floor for insulation, but other than that, they seem to do fine.
  4. Sherrie G


    I enjoy sitting and watching the Ladies run around in the morning, all peppy and full of personality.
  5. Sherrie G


    My husband and I built it, this is our first go at chickens too. Pretty happy with the constant supply of tasty eggs we get. Get so many we have had to share some to keep them from stacking up.
  6. Sherrie G

    Black spots on comb... What is it?

    I have one Hen with black spots on her comb too? Any help would be appreciated!
  7. Coop Contruction

    Coop Contruction

    Building the Coop
  8. Sherrie G


    We are first timers only had them for 6 months, we get approximately 18 to 20 eggs a day, so I have taken to freeze drying them for longer keeping.
  9. Sherrie G


    Oh and Thank You!
  10. Sherrie G


    Yes me and my hubby took our time to get it right, has hardware cloth on all sides except the top.
  11. Sherrie G

    New Chicken Lady here

    Thanks for the links, I already stopped by to introduce myself and my ladies.
  12. Sherrie G


    South Texas Egg Lady here! LOL 65 miles South of Houston Tx. My first go round at raising Chickens. They are 6 months old and full of feathery personality.
  13. Sherrie G

    Hello again, this is me! No more Lemon Lady, just the Egg Lady now!

    Hello again, this is me! No more Lemon Lady, just the Egg Lady now!
  14. Sherrie G

    New Chicken Lady here

  15. Sherrie G

    New Chicken Lady here

    Ok fellow chicken lovers here it goes: Already have another producing Lemon and have an Orange, Grapefruit, 5 Figs, a Lowquat, Plum, Peach and 30 Pecan Trees! LOL
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