Recent content by Sherryalaska

  1. Sherryalaska

    Sponsored Post Busting Wintertime Flock Boredom

    We have a covered run, but we have deep snowfalls. We screwed clear corrugated plastic around the base of the run to blow flurries and blowing rain (around two feet high). I dump a couple of bales of hay in the corners - keeps the girls busy and warm. They make their borrows in it. It mostly...
  2. Coop de' Cluck

    Coop de' Cluck

    X 6' with a 6 foot run. I've added a second open air run to the other side. Our coop was built in May for Alaska, insulated and wired with a snowload roof. It was built for us from a playhouse design - we prettied it up. It's 8' We run a B&B and the coop is visible from one of the guestrooms -...
  3. Sherryalaska

    Excited about chickens

    Looking to build a skookum coop that will go to -20 and down to 5 hours of light in Dec. Hello from Anchorage.
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