Recent content by shgreen1

  1. shgreen1

    HELP!!!!!!!!!!! ALL of my hens have stopped laying eggs!

    I have just noticed the same problem. It is now June and up until a week ago I was getting about 4 eggs a day out of our 5 chickens. Then suddenly.....nothing. They are eating pretty much just Purina Layer feed, they don't seem to be molting (at least I don't see tons of feathers everywhere)...
  2. shgreen1

    Chicken just died. What to do about the eggs?

    Hi everyone. I just went out to our coop to collect eggs and found one of our chickens dead! I have no idea what happened. There doesn't seem to be any wounds on her and it doesn't look like a predator got her. I did notice a few missing feathers a few days ago, but didn't think anything of...
  3. shgreen1

    How to Break a Broody Hen

    So I have a hen who has gone broody. She is showing all the typical signs, puffed up feathers, staying in the nesting box, etc. I've tried moving her out and putting her back with the flock and taking the eggs, but she keeps going back. I'm not all that concerned about loosing the egg...
  4. shgreen1

    Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

    Yeah, my beans are doing poorly this year also. Asparagus, potatoes, lettuce, tomatoes, corn all doing well. Beans not so much.....
  5. shgreen1

    Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

    My six ladies (I hope....) are growing fast, 3 weeks old. They aren't fully feathered yet but when do you think I would be safe moving them to the outdoor coop, with additional heat?
  6. shgreen1

    When can I switch starter feed from med to unmed?

    I just came across this post while looking for issues about looser stool. I have 6 chicks all almost 3 weeks old. They have been on medicated feed from the day we got them. There are times their droppings are firmer and sometime very loose and stinky. Other than that, they seem to all be...
  7. shgreen1

    Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

    Thanks, I believe I am using medicated chick starter but I'll double check. I'll also keep an eye on their butts.
  8. shgreen1

    Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

    OK, I have a question for all of you knowledgeable people. We picked up our 6 new chicks last Thursday. All see to be doing well, eating, drinking, peeping. They are all pretty mobile and look healthy. I have noticed that some of the poop is runnier than others. Any ideas, or am I just...
  9. shgreen1

    Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

    That makes sense, I guess I wasn't thinking about it that way. More holding it is!
  10. shgreen1

    Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

    Pick up our new chicks yesterday and everyone seems to be doing great! Everybody is eating, drinking, pooping so I guess all is well. It is kind of crazy how quickly they will just lie down and go to sleep. We thought there was something wrong at first, but I guess it is normal. How long...
  11. shgreen1

    My DIY automatic chicken POP door opener/closer

    I love the idea of an automatic door opener/closer, but I have two concerns. The first is what would happen if a chicken gets caught in the door as it is closing? I would hate to come out in the morning and find a chicken foot sticking out, lol. Second is what is there to prevent a predator...
  12. shgreen1

    Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

    Today if FINALLY got my lettuce, carrots, Swiss chard and onions in the ground, even with my tiller breaking down on me. Nothing like turning the soil and adding compost by hand, lol. My chicks come in less than two weeks. My wife and I are very excited. These are our first. I've done lots...
  13. shgreen1

    Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

    Quote: Yeah, that is what I'm afraid
  14. shgreen1

    Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

    3 Buff Orps and 3 Black Australorps. Right now we really only have room for the 6 of them so I hope I don't fall prey to the dreaded "chicken math"!
  15. shgreen1

    Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

    Hi Everyone! I'm kind of new to this forum and I'm sorry to hear so many people are having similar health related problems. My wife actually suffers from Fibromyalgia flair ups so I can kind of relate and I do hope you are all feeling better. The warmer weather can't hurt, right? Anyway, my...
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