Recent content by Sibtiger1

  1. Sibtiger1

    Sexing your Silkies (PICTURES AND TIPS - Updated July-5-12)

    Thank you that was what i was thinking but have had people say might be a hen but the way he holds himself i thought maybe roo
  2. Sibtiger1

    Sexing your Silkies (PICTURES AND TIPS - Updated July-5-12)

    can anyone tell me if the light grey silkie standing on the 4x4 is a hen or roo
  3. Sibtiger1

    what to do with a broody hen

    My silkie is gone broody and it is getting to be winter time soon so i don't think it would be a good idea right now to let her hatch eggs.. I could be wrong any input would be great she won't leave the nest even though i collect the eggs. My rooster is not old enough to fertilize any eggs yet. Help
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