Recent content by Silver Sebright

  1. Silver Sebright

    Cheerful ol' me!

    Cheerful ol' me!
  2. Silver Sebright

    Can you have a lot of roosters in one pen?

    Well we were planning on going just roosters no girls. My dad wants to raise them to sell them to either 4H or local feed stores.
  3. Silver Sebright

    Pullets or cockerel ?

    That white one do you know what breed that is? I have one but I don't remember what breed it is lmao.
  4. Silver Sebright

    Can you have a lot of roosters in one pen?

    So a few months ago my niece hatched some eggs at school and was given about 13 baby chicks. The bad thing is half of them are roos. We want to raise them til they are fully grown and sell them. But we don't want them messing with the girls so we are planning on putting them all together in one...
  5. Silver Sebright

    Deformed Beaks

    Idk want the little guy to suffer should I put it out of its misery or trim its beak?
  6. Silver Sebright

    Deformed Beaks

    Omg, I noticed that this happened to one of my chickens. I thought the whole time it was because of my little sister who hit her beak when she was younger on accident
  7. Silver Sebright

    How to get rid of chicken lice?

    One of my young hens died yesterday randomly. But I didn't know how or why it died but today I looked at my other hens and roos and they got a little tiny bugs crawling around their skin and feathers. How do you get rid of it?
  8. Silver Sebright

    My Chicken is dying from Lice please help

    I'm sorry for your loss :( I seem to be having the same problem. One of my young girls just randomly died. I didn't have any idea til now. Because today I've seen little tiny bugs crawling around some of my chickens feathers. Plus one of them is so weak now it can barely raise its head :(.
  9. Silver Sebright

    Random chicken death?

    Orpington, 2 months and a few weeks, 80-98degrees
  10. Silver Sebright

    Random chicken death?

    When I went out today to give treatment to all my young hens and roos I found one that before showed no symptoms of the disease MG unlike my other chickens that have the symptoms. But, it looks like it just up and died. No bite marks no bleeding no signs of death. My only predictions are it died...
  11. Silver Sebright

    Weird Behavior

    Oh to me she looks broody?
  12. Silver Sebright

    Weird Behavior

    She is broody. Chickens do this when they want to have babies/sit on eggs til they hatch.
  13. Silver Sebright


  14. Silver Sebright

    Behavior problems

    Did this happen when you wore open-toed shoes?
  15. Silver Sebright

    Buff orph gender guessin'

    As said by BlackHackle, one is a roo and one is a pullet.
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