Recent content by simmworksfamily

  1. simmworksfamily

    A little funny story about my son and eggs

    Great information to share with him! Thank you :)
  2. simmworksfamily

    leaving the coop to roost at night

    My two girls (RIR and Easter Egger) were on the top of their coop trying to sleep last night when I went to go close them in for the night. They did NOT want to go in their coop. I grabbed a flashlight and checked every nook and cranny just in case a rat or something was hiding in there but...
  3. simmworksfamily

    A little funny story about my son and eggs

    Ever since I started buying my own eggs (before getting our chickens) I've always purchased free range, organic eggs. They always tend to be brown. Even come Easter time when we dye eggs, we just dye brown eggs. Now that we have chickens we get brown and greenish blue eggs. The other day...
  4. simmworksfamily

    Speckled Eggs Every 6 Or So Days?

    So do I! And the kids are always stoked to find them. They think that Red is special because she changes up her eggs :) I just wanted to make sure it wasn't anything to be concerned about. Thanks!
  5. simmworksfamily

    Speckled Eggs Every 6 Or So Days?

    So my RIR seems to lay a speckled egg every 6 days. I just noticed the pattern today after giving my great aunt a dozen eggs from last week and looking and realizing that the eggs I just grabbed from the nest boxes also included another speckled egg a week later. Is this normal or cause for...
  6. simmworksfamily

    Only Goes In Coop To Sleep

    Ok, good! I kept seeing all of these posts with large coops and chickens always in them but I'm assuming that's because they have a run and coop and don't get out in the yard/other areas. I'll be moving them to the other side of the yard shortly since summer is winding to and end and we'll...
  7. simmworksfamily

    Only Goes In Coop To Sleep

    My chickens have never really wanted to hang out in their coop. It's small (compared to the ones I am seeing on this site - boy do I want to expand soon!) but fits the two of them perfectly. However they only go in at night to sleep. During the day they wander our yard (partially covered...
  8. simmworksfamily

    HELP - My Free range chicken trying to jump fence into front yard...

    Yay! Those silly chickens. Mine played all day too and loved the mud left over.
  9. simmworksfamily

    HELP - My Free range chicken trying to jump fence into front yard...

    That sneaky bird!! Guess she's enjoying the rain as much as she can? The preschool my kids atttended had cats that were indoor/outdoor (only in their yard) and they had a netting that went out at a 45 degree angle from their existing fence to keep them from jumping over and getting out of the...
  10. simmworksfamily

    First egg! Not laying in nest...

    So she laid in the coop in her nest!! I placed a bright orange golf ball sized ball (what we had around the house from the kids) in there along with one of her other eggs marked. We saw her hanging out under the bushes so I figured she was just going to lay there again and that was that. A bit...
  11. simmworksfamily

    First egg! Not laying in nest...

    Juvenile red tailed hawk was our guess based on where we live. I love how different chickens are. My two have such personalities and Flower would totally do this :) She beats to her own drum.
  12. simmworksfamily

    First egg! Not laying in nest...

    And yes, we just put bird net over the pond to save the shebunkins and red slider we have in there. So far none are missing. He really did look like he was cooling off his feet and snoozing vs. hunting.
  13. simmworksfamily

    First egg! Not laying in nest...

    Most things don't wander into the yard since the coonhound patrols out there BUT this fella was snoozing peacefully on our water fountain on the pond for quite a bit resting before it realized we were watching it and flew away. I added a golf ball to her box and will add one of her marked...
  14. simmworksfamily

    First egg! Not laying in nest...

    So yesterday was a fluke... she made her OWN nest under the bush and laid there twice before. Look what I found today. Wondering where she'll lay again...
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