Recent content by SkagitSlag

  1. S

    Should I separate a small sleepy poult from the rest?

    This is my second time raising turkeys. They seem to be so temperamental. I’ve found there are very specific factors that come into play (brooder temp, water temp, etc.). In this case I don’t think that the separation was the cause of death (although the extra stress may have been a factor.). I...
  2. S

    Should I separate a small sleepy poult from the rest?

    Thank you for the advice! I did end up separating it but it didn’t make it through the night. Sometimes you just look at a turkey poult wrong and it doesn’t make it. They are so fragile!
  3. S

    Should I separate a small sleepy poult from the rest?

    Hi there! I have 6 chocolate poults, 1 bourbon and then 4 Wyandotte chicks in a brooder together. They are about 2 weeks old. Everyone is healthy, except for 1 chocolate poult. It’s pretty lethargic and small compared to the others. I put it in a separate brooder yesterday with some...
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