Recent content by sklr112

  1. sklr112

    Sklr112s Member Page

    This is: My PAGE! Woot-woot! I first got into to the whole chicken thing in the spring of 2010. I believe it was my grandpa who got me into it. He kept suggesting I get chickens and how cool and fun chickens are. Well, I do have chickens now. If I didn't, I wouldn't be on BYC. Anyways, I have...
  2. The 4x8 Addition

    The 4x8 Addition

    Recently I hatched 11 chicks. 11 chicks call for a new coop. Unfortunately it is winter here in Northern PA. That means it's COLD! The chicks won't stop growing, so I have to start building. After doing some quick math calculations, I figured that 4 x 8 would be big enough. I am planning on...
  3. sklr112

    What are your rooster's names?

    Sarge and Mick... get it? MickChicken, well McChicken really. McDonalds humor
  4. sklr112

    Straw "Keeps It Dry"

    Do you put straw in your coop as well??
  5. sklr112

    8 weeks old, can they stand the cold

    I just put my 11 week old out last week. The highs are in the low 20's. I put a heat lamp in there and a regular incandescent bulb in there. The incandescent is shining right on the water to keep it from freezing. Seems ok so far.
  6. sklr112

    My Stucco chicken coop, on the works..........

    Quote: yea, I saw it, and if I get any votes once I submit mine, I would give them all to you, I gotta give it t you for working in those conditions, I think that you should WIN , but still I want to see it finished once it warms up Aww Thank you!
  7. sklr112

    My Stucco chicken coop, on the works..........

    Wow, very nice! I posted new pics of mine, idk if you saw or not. Check out my page...
  8. sklr112

    Ended - Coop Page Contest Early 2011 - Winners Chosen! Count me in, though I plan on making changes to the page before the contest is over.
  9. sklr112

    feed prices

    $9.04 for 50# bag of laying crumbles. I don't buy scratch, but next time I think I may. Purchased at Agway.
  10. sklr112

    Quick question about chick starter and chick grower

    Hey! My chicks are about 5 weeks old. They are almost out of their starter... bags almost empty. I have chicks about 11 weeks old I am feeding grower. Instead of buying the little ones another 50# bag of starter, could I just feed them the grower, which I already have. It would save a couple of...
  11. sklr112

    Our new recycled coop

    Hello! Quick question, what is the dimension of just your run. I need to build a run for my 11 new chickens yet, just trying to get an image in my head. Thanks!
  12. sklr112

    Ended - Coop Page Contest Early 2011 - Winners Chosen!

    Quote: That would make sense then Hi sklr, Keep enjoying your Barred Rocks and Ameraucana. I'll be 66 in a couple of months, my birds are more fun than I ever thought they would be. Joe I will, they are so much fun. Enjoy yours too ;P
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