Recent content by Slowerpoke

  1. Slowerpoke

    Thanks for all the help with chickens everyone! My girls and boys are all grown up and still...

    Thanks for all the help with chickens everyone! My girls and boys are all grown up and still doing fine. These forums helped a lot when raising my first eggs !!
  2. Slowerpoke

    How long can you separate two roosters?

    Well, five roos actually. My boys all came from the same batch of eggs. They've never been separated, and even after a year they don't pick fights or cause too much trouble. I don't want to disrupt any of this! But if we'd want to start showing any of them, or separate them for whatever reason...
  3. Slowerpoke

    White bump on beak?

    Oh wow that looks a lot like what they have! The only problem is that it's nothing as bulgy as a wart, so there's really nothing to fall off. Hopefully it's a "it'll go away" case haha. I'll inspect their coop, maybe it's an infected scratch? Thank you!
  4. Slowerpoke

    White bump on beak?

    What a relief, thank you!
  5. Slowerpoke

    White bump on beak?

    Out of 9 chicks more than half started to develop this white spot on their beaks, in between their nostrils, at 3 months. They're silkie/orphington mixes so I don't know if this is a breed thing. My first thought was that it was an infection or disease but Google has shown things way more...
  6. Slowerpoke

    I've only had chickens for a year now so I probably won't be much help! I only made an account...

    I've only had chickens for a year now so I probably won't be much help! I only made an account for help with raising my new chicks! :)
  7. Slowerpoke

    Chick will eat but wont drink?

    Thank you both! Ive been dropper feeding but like the one that didn't make it he just wiggles away and shakes off the water. I'll try putting his beak in and see if he'll start drinking then!
  8. Slowerpoke

    Chick will eat but wont drink?

    My 1 day old chick is eating a lot and seems to sleep more than the others. It was drinking fine the first night, but today i've yet to catch it drinking and when I put its beak in the water it just peeps and wiggles away. I've already lost a chick due to not drinking and I don't want to go...
  9. Slowerpoke

    Is It Okay to Mix Newborn Chicks With Older Chicks?

    This is my first time hatching chicks, so I dont know if there's an unspoken rule about mixing chicks that hatch on different days. My first two chicks weren't immediately mixed with the later born because they looked a little sick. But now that they seem just fine I put them together and they...
  10. Slowerpoke

    Two Chicks Have Crust On Vent, One Wont Walk ??

    Didn't touch it, gave them more heat and electrolytes in water. Now the one that couldn't walk is waddling around and eating while the other is now sleeping constantly and is barely responsive enough to drink. Hopefully she's just tired, but then again who knows. She's shown water every hour but...
  11. Slowerpoke

    Two Chicks Have Crust On Vent, One Wont Walk ??

    Yes that helped clarify things! It's defiantly attached from the inside and it sounds a lot like a piece of the gutt/yolk hanging out. It's not a lot, and most forums say to put Vaseline on it and gently push it in. Both chicks are a lot more active than they were yesterday but I'm afraid...
  12. Slowerpoke

    Two Chicks Have Crust On Vent, One Wont Walk ??

    Thank you for the quick reply! After washing the one that can walk its really starting to look like the crust is defiantly attached to something inside the vent, and considering her bottom looks a little bloated it probably has the yolk disease as well. It's such a shame, but they're now...
  13. Slowerpoke

    Two Chicks Have Crust On Vent, One Wont Walk ??

    One of my chicks (born today from eggs simply sat on by hens, no shipping involved) seems to have an enlarged bottom and won't stand up. There's something blocking its vent but im not sure if it's the umbilical cord or pasty butt, so I'm afraid to completely wash it off. The vent doesn't seem...
  14. Slowerpoke

    One chick won't walk, two have crust on vents?

    One of my chicks (born today from eggs simply sat on by hens, no shipping involved) seems to have an enlarged bottom and won't stand up. There's something blocking its vent but im not sure if it's the umbilical cord or pasty butt, so I'm afraid to completely wash it off. Picture...
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