Recent content by Smiller1090

  1. Smiller1090

    ESA and new town ordinance

    My small town has never had a livestock or poultry ordinance. In the last year several more people in town decided to raise poultry due to the current world situation. Now the town is implementing a livestock ordinance without a grandfather clause. (They are not legally required to provide a...
  2. Smiller1090

    Freezing temps (help!)

    Since you have heat in the coop I would say no but that’s me. I don’t heat my coop because everything I have read has said if you heat and lose power that’s when they get cold, sick and die. We’ve been in the teens and single digits during the day and lows in the singles and negatives for over 2...
  3. Smiller1090

    DIY Hutch From Old Duck Coop

    🤔 thank you
  4. Smiller1090

    Mold smell coming from incubator fan

    I’ve used my incubator once months ago and cleaned it before I stored it. Just pulled it out, cleaned it and plugged it in to warm up to put eggs in and it smells like mold coming from the fan?! It’s the HHD 12 egg. How in the heck can you clean inside the fan and mechanisms and not completely...
  5. Smiller1090

    DIY Hutch From Old Duck Coop

    Two separate for two groups
  6. Smiller1090

    DIY Hutch From Old Duck Coop

    I’m planning to turn my old duck coop into a two story quail hutch. Right now the quail are in my shed in a temporary enclosure while I convert this. It’s 58” wide and 42” tall. I’m worried about snakes being able to get in through the ribs on the metal siding. I plan to take the metal off of...
  7. Smiller1090

    Lights and laying

    I have a roof covered run and the coop is inside that, I will try to get a picture to upload. I’m planning to run the lights all the way around the top of the run on the inside. There are two coop windows which have awnings over them from before I got the run finished but I will be removing the...
  8. Smiller1090

    Lights and laying

    Anyone use Christmas lights to encourage laying through the winter and it work? I currently do not have wiring running to my coop and run, that is a next summer project
  9. Smiller1090

    Feed Bag Repurposing!

    My first creations
  10. Smiller1090

    Cold weather!

    Ok I will put a thermometer in there but in all reality I think I’m just going to move them inside to my basement tomorrow. My basement stays 50-60 degrees year around. I do not have the bodies but I do know that there is nobody around me to do a necropsy except if I did one myself. I lost a...
  11. Smiller1090

    Cold weather!

    I’ve lost one button and two coturnix
  12. Smiller1090

    Cold weather!

    Coturnix and button, around 3-4 months old
  13. Smiller1090

    Cold weather!

    My enclosure is in my shed with wind blockage and well ventilated. But it’s a permanent built in set up so I can’t just move it inside.
  14. Smiller1090

    Cold weather!

    My quail are not doing so hot with our lows being in the 20s the last week. I’ve lost 3 in 4 days. The only thing I could put them in inside the house is a reptile terrarium. Has anyone ever used one?
  15. Smiller1090

    Feed Bag Repurposing!

    They will be filled with home canned goods and hand made soaps and scrubs.
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