Recent content by Smoda

  1. Smoda

    Chicken vomiting, not laying eggs, eating like a horse. Any clues?

    Thanks for the reply! I decided to re-worm her late yesterday. Low and behold she egged today!! I'll keep a close eye on her, hopefully it was/is worms causing all hey grief.
  2. Smoda

    Chicken vomiting, not laying eggs, eating like a horse. Any clues?

    Hi everyone, Wondering if any one can shed some light on a problem my Blue Australorp Mollance is having. Here are the concerns: ○ She has stopped laying eggs (aprox 9 days). ○ She constantly eats and drinks all the time (layer feed), not underweight but not gaining weight. ○ I've seen her...
  3. Smoda

    Comment by 'Smoda' in article 'My Rey of sunshine'

    She sounds like one special hen! Glad you two found each other
  4. Smoda

    Plymouth Rock Chicks - Any idea on the sex?

    Hi, I only have the two photos above. Not sure what book they are from. I think I found these photos on byc a while back. Sorry not to be of more help.
  5. Smoda

    HELP, baby chicken won't stop distressed chirping!!!!

    Update on Saturn. She is doing great! Here is a short happy chicken video of Saturn and Butter Grumbles. Thank you all for your kind words and support
  6. Smoda

    Worms in poo

    Thank you CTKen!
  7. Smoda

    Worms in poo

    Ok, So my pullet Saturn has looked a little thin and worse for wear. I wormed her yesterday with panacur (along with Butter Grumbles who she shares a pen with). Today this poo happened. It was wiggling and everything!! My questions are: • could she have pooed worms because the worming...
  8. Smoda

    Coccidiosis, need clarity and help.

    UPDATE: Bickwinn (splash Australorp) and Mollance (Blue Australorp) seem better. Eating steadily, drinking, gaining weight. They have been quarantined inside. They have had 7 days of coccivet and are now on anti biotics to clear up any static infections. My only concern is there is still...
  9. Smoda

    Coccidiosis, need clarity and help.

    Ooh, thanks Braxton Brigade!! Just saw your post now.
  10. Smoda

    Coccidiosis, need clarity and help.

    Yeah, sadly no feed stores have it in Aus. It's by prescription only. I did a ring around today and one vet had it in stock and was willing to give me some without a prescription. (I called 4 different vets). I got coccivet, with it's active ingredient is amprolium. I'm crossing my fingers the...
  11. Smoda

    Coccidiosis, need clarity and help.

    Hi backyard chickeners, I just got 2 new 6wk old chicks. Found blood in one of their poos. Tested positive to coccidiosis. I have been searching and searching ol Google and can't seem to get a few questions answered, maybe you can help! •How long do the oocysts survive in the soil? I've read...
  12. Smoda

    blood in baby chicks stool

    Hi all, Just got a couple new chicks. About 6 weeks old. This was one of their poos. What do you think this could mean? Should u be concerned. They have only been eating fees, but also a lot of garden worms.
  13. Smoda

    Chickens wing feathers falling out

    Thanks Junebuggena. Once again your chicken words of wisdom have put my worries to rest!
  14. Smoda

    Chickens wing feathers falling out

    My 11 week old pullet Saturn HamFatter has lost a primary wing feather. Today I noticed another one looks like it's about to drop. Is this normal? She is not being picked on and shows no other signs of I'll health. Thanks.
  15. Smoda

    Three-week old chick tid-bitting. Common or unusual?

    So perhaps Butter Grumbles is just sharing. You did chick tidbit experiments in your kitchen Centrarchid, that would have been adorable to watch! Great info.
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