Recent content by smoknz28

  1. smoknz28

    Bulk feed storage

    Bringing this thread back I am ready to move past using galvanized metal cans. We've had issues with moisture (Virginia) with them and we've lost feed. Yes, we can try and caulk them and apply weather strips, but I'm not into bandaging up a product. I'm ready to purchase two of these...
  2. smoknz28

    galvinized trash can storage / plastic storage for feed

    Yes, mine have done that and we've lost a good quantity of feed due to this. I've not yet tried this...but you can use caulking and weather strips to seal each can. We are in search of a feed storage other than the galvanized cans ourselves.
  3. smoknz28

    Protecting New Build From Droppings/Urine/Parasites

    Okay got, don't bother treating the pressure treated wood for at least a year. As for the interior of the coop, I can go ahead and apply either a urethane or as pointed out, Black Jack 57. Still weighing which way to go on the coop interior. It would seem that the urethane would be...
  4. smoknz28

    Protecting New Build From Droppings/Urine/Parasites

    Chicken coop and nesting boxes. Protecting from the weather elements and bird droppings/urine/parasites? My coop wood is pressure treated and I'm awaiting for the wood to dry out before I either stain or paint it. With regards to this, I'd like to know what those of you who have been there...
  5. smoknz28

    Growth On Chicken's Claw

    Ah yes....Bumble Foot it is... May have to do some home surgery:
  6. smoknz28

    Growth On Chicken's Claw

    Hi all...need help in diagnosing what this growth is on my chickens claw and how to get rid of it. Note, my wife didn't snap the best photos, but I believe it's enough to see what's going on. Please advise. Thanks all.
  7. smoknz28

    Freezing Temps - How Do You Keep Water From Freezing?

    Thank you for the response. I've added that waterer you use to my list of options. With my new installation of frost free hydrants, I'm going to be tickled to finally have running water year round. I too had to haul 5-gallon buckets out to my animals nearly once a day during the winter....ack!
  8. smoknz28

    Freezing Temps - How Do You Keep Water From Freezing?

    Completed a big project for me.... Trenched out nearly 200 feet, installed a 1" water line with two frost free yard hydrants, installed a 100 amp cable with a sub panel and 8 outlets. Plenty enough power to work with. For the past five freezing winter seasons...I have been filling up five...
  9. smoknz28

    What breed is she?

    She is heavier and rounded than all my other breeds of chickens. I also have a brown one of the same size. Safe to assume then that they are Cochins and not Bantam Cochins. I have to find more of them. I absolutely love this breed. I love to watch them run because they have a funny waddle left...
  10. smoknz28

    What breed is she?

    Would she be a Cochin Bantam or just Cochin? I'm not good with breeds obviously...
  11. smoknz28

    What breed is she?

    Great! Thank you both.
  12. smoknz28

    What breed is she?

    I love this fatty girl! I also have a couple brown colored hens in the same breed. We also love the large eggs they produce, but don't know the breed.
  13. smoknz28

    Rooster Crowling - How To Manage?

    Well, hopefully we can figure something out soon or I'll be frying me up some yard bird!
  14. smoknz28

    Duck Breed?

    Nope, my only ducks. When I was out this sounds like a lot of soft quaking and maybe like one to two with the deeper sounds. Experts out there in sexing them...your recommendation please.
  15. smoknz28

    Nigerian Dwarf Goat?

    Okay, well, I'm sure he's ND and possibly mixed with Pygmy. Yes I don't and probably will never know for sure...but at least I have a couple of good assumptions to go off of. Thanks all.
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