Recent content by sms1225

  1. sms1225

    Egg bound hen

    Please see pic attached showing the huge number of eggs in my 3 yr old hen. She was walking like a penguin. Suffering terribly . So we put her put of her misery. I did not know for sure what was causing her suffering.. So opened her up & saw the unbelievable amount of partially developed eggs...
  2. sms1225

    ***Chickensitting Thread!!!***

    I am willing to sit for the Newburgh/ Evansville / Boonville, Indiana area. I have @ 100 chickens. I have been raising chickens for 4 years. email me at [email protected]. I can also sit for your horses or any other livestock you might have.
  3. sms1225

    HELP!! Rooster being attacked by hens!!

    I agree I do need more roosters, if I really want to hatch my own fertilized eggs. I have been putting the blukote on 2x a day and it is keeping his wings from being bloody or fleshy!! Hopefully the hens will eventually all together stop. I have been reading about hatcheries vs real breeders...
  4. sms1225

    Silver Laced Wyandottes very fatty!!!

    I butchered my first batch of silver laced wyandotte hens last fall. I also butchered RIRs. They were both 2 year old hens. I was really surprised at the amount of fat near the rear end of the wyandottes. A tremendous amount. The RIR's did not have this. Has anyone else encountered this...
  5. sms1225

    HELP!! Rooster being attacked by hens!!

    I have him seperated. This is the 4th time. He is in a seperate coop by himself. I think I will pick and choose some hens tomorrow and put them with him, trying to pick ones that are not so aggressive. I will then be able to get fertile eggs and hopefully he will heal and not be lonely...
  6. sms1225

    HELP!! Rooster being attacked by hens!!

    I raise chickens for eggs. I have 48 hens and 1 RIR rooster. The hens a rooster are 10 months old. All these chicks were delivered as day old chicks to me at the same time and have always been together. They have a big coop, big covered run and big pasture. They are fed an abundance of...
  7. sms1225

    Eggs Numbers Dropping??? Frustration!!!

    Cetawin. I thought I was using good feed. Plus it is expensive. What type or manufcturer of feed do you use? Do u pasture your chickens as well? Thanks for all your help
  8. sms1225

    Eggs Numbers Dropping??? Frustration!!!

    I have 46 hens, 1/2 are 2 yrs old and 1/2 are 1 yr old. I raise chickens for my family and for friends that want free range GREAT eggs. My egg production went down in winter, but I do keep a light on a timer. In Feb/ March eggs laid were about 24-27 eggs per day. Now I am not even getting 20...
  9. sms1225

    How are the Mt Healthy birds?

    My EE's just layed brown eggs, they are still just laying brown eggs(almost 2 years old), no color. To say the least I was very disappointed. You might want to call Mt Healthy and ask them if they will guarantee that they will lay colored eggs. Just a thought. But like I said b4 I think...
  10. sms1225

    How are the Mt Healthy birds?

    I ordered my first batch of 25 2 years ago from Mt Healthy, RIR's & EE & Silver laced Wyandottes. They were all very healthy, no crooked toes, etc. The only complaint I had was that my EE's did not lay colored eggs!! That's why I bought them for the novelty of it!! I ordered my 2nd bath of...
  11. sms1225

    Best tasting heritage breed meat chickens????

    Steve, Which of the breeds you raise for meat is in your opinion the best tasting. Maybe not just one breed, but several that you really like? Thanks, susan
  12. sms1225

    Best tasting heritage breed meat chickens????

    Jim, How will the diet change the taste of the chicken? So.. you are saying that the breed does not matter, but the diet is what matters??
  13. sms1225

    Best tasting heritage breed meat chickens????

    cw, Yes I have had the black austrolops and my silver laced wyandottes want to go broody, but I take the egss and make them get out of the boxes. It is correct to think that most people raise a specific breed for meat and another breed for eggs? Or do people try a breed that is dual purpose...
  14. sms1225

    Best tasting heritage breed meat chickens????

    cw, I originally had the intention of raising my own chicks. thats why i ordered the roosters. I have RIR(22), silver laced wyandottes(10), black autrolops(12),and auraucana(4). How do you go thru the year cycle. Do you raise new chicks in the spring, butcher in mid summer roosters only...
  15. sms1225

    Best tasting heritage breed meat chickens????

    Yes, I sell eggs to many,many friends. I originally bought 24 layers and then bought 24 more layers the next spring, because I had so many people wanting eggs. I could raise 100 layers and still sell out of eggs, don't know if I want to go that big, but I have the room and setup for my free...
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