Recent content by sniemeyer

  1. sniemeyer

    Can't post to auction classified. Why not?

    I am also having troubles posting... It says that I have to read the rules, which I did 3 times over and I seem to be following all of them... any ideas?
  2. sniemeyer

    Bear Proofing

    thank you!
  3. sniemeyer

    When does the laying stop?

    Any idea if there would be an "acclimation" period before she starts to lay after being introduced to the new flock?
  4. sniemeyer

    Newly Active in Boulder, CO

    Though I've been visiting this site since I got my chicks about 6 months ago, I have recently realized how fantastic it is! Glad to now be a part of the larger chicken community :)
  5. sniemeyer

    My new Lavender Orpington chicks

    Gorgeous! Do you know if the lavender are as hardy as the buffs?
  6. sniemeyer

    Wanna see my chickens? ~

    Lucky Chickens!
  7. sniemeyer

    Bear Proofing

    This fall, I lost one of my girls to a bear! He just pried open the door to the coop, and snatched her up. :( I kept my other 3 in the garage at night after that, until the bears started to hibernate. That said, does anyone have any ideas on other ways I can deter bears so I don't have to move...
  8. sniemeyer

    Chicken names?

    Mine all have something to do with eggs: Shelldon Benedict Eggzavier Ironicly enough, it's been 6 months and they still haven't laid anything...
  9. sniemeyer

    Pictures from our first hatch

    TOO CUTE!!!!!
  10. sniemeyer

    Bear Proofing

    This fall, I lost one of my girls to a bear! He just pried open the door to the coop, and snatched her up. :( I kept my other 3 in the garage at night after that, until the bears started to hibernate. That said, does anyone have any ideas on other ways I can deter bears so I don't have to move...
  11. sniemeyer

    When does the laying stop?

    I just rescued an americauna, who is about 2 years old. Is there any chance she will still lay?
  12. sniemeyer

    Rooster and crowing Q's

    How old was your rooster when he started to crow?
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