Recent content by Sommano

  1. S

    Hen badly injured

    I honestly do not think I can do that 😢
  2. S

    Hen badly injured

    I’m scared to dub it. I have 3 other leghorns whose combs are also doing the same. But I want them to be able to see.
  3. S

    Black too w/brown neck feathers

    Hello my chicken lover friends, Can any of y’all tell me what breed my roo is.. He is black with the beautiful green and purple shiny feathers. He has brown feathers on his neck. His comb and wattles are black.
  4. S

    Hen badly injured

    Yes, It is 😢
  5. S

    Hen badly injured

    Everyone! I know it’s been awhile but I have a new update on my Rebel girl 😀 Her feathers are growing back! Her comb is still messed up and actually getting bigger. I wish there was a way to help her see better on that side but.. I’m happy she’s alive and feathers are growing back!
  6. S

    13 week old turkey

    She’s evil! Lol she calms down when I pick her up and calmly tell her it’s okay and tell her to take a nap. She’s like a cranky toddler! 😂
  7. S

    13 week old turkey

    Anybody else have a turkey since a week old? First they are lovable and now they are grumpy and peck at your fingers and toes? Is there a way I can break her from this habit?
  8. S

    Crop surgery on week old chick?

    Ouch! Massage it more often maybe?
  9. S

    Help Identify Chicks

    Oh good chicks! If they are ameraucana! 😀
  10. S

    Help Identify Chicks

    Thank you for the pictures! They are pretty young so it’s kinda hard to tell. Usually if it’s a roo, the comb and wattles will develop a lot quicker than the hens. The last picture though my gut says that’s a hen.
  11. S

    Large wound on hens neck***WARNING PHOTO***

    I’m so sorry your hens were attacked and died. My hen Rebel was attacked by our puppy, her neck wound was big and nasty but from all the help and advice from the wonderful BYC community, I was able to heal her back up. This is what I learned; You have to clean the wound with anti microbial...
  12. S

    Help Identify Chicks

    I’m sorry I can’t see your pictures.
  13. S

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest - 06-11-20 - Pic by DiYMama540

    (Is that a duck or a goose? Anyways..) Goose: “hey, hey guess what?” Dog: “what?” Goose: “chicken butt”
  14. S

    Temperature for 1 week old chicks

    They have lots of ventilation. The top of the brooder is open. No wire on it yet. Just because they are too small to jump out.
  15. S

    Temperature for 1 week old chicks

    I turned off the heat lamp during the day because it’s 91 degrees. And I read they need the temperature between 90-95 degrees. They should be good, right? If it drops under 90, I can turn it back on.
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