Recent content by SoupMaker

  1. SoupMaker

    Submit your pics of big chickie butts here for video!!

    Awesome topic. I love fluffy chicken butts. This is what we called the "fern bar":
  2. SoupMaker

    Anyone in the SF Bay Area?

    I have a few chickens for eggs right now, and in the future plan on raising some birds for meat as well. I'm wondering if there's anyone in the san francisco bay area who processes their own birds and would be willing to let me come out some day and watch/help/learn while they do it. It...
  3. SoupMaker

    Soldier Gifts for Those In Iraq....AWESOME pics!!!!

    I'm not sure if someone already posted this, but you can go to the US post office website and they will send you the flat rate boxes for APO /FPO addresses for free. Here's the link: http://www.USPS.COM/ Click on "Postage & Options" in the right-hand toolbar, then select "Flat Rate Envelopes...
  4. SoupMaker

    Rooster needs a new home - SF Bay area

    There are usually a couple of posts on craigslist advertising people in the BA willing to take in roos. Do a quick search on and I'm sure you'll find something worth looking into...
  5. SoupMaker

    SF South Bay event to promote chicken ownership

    Great idea! I live in San Jose, and I'd love to get involved. As far as disease spreading...if all the visitors stay outside the coops themselves and we make sure that the area around them is all clean, I think disease wouldn't really be a problem. For my part, I have a brick walkway around...
  6. SoupMaker

    Chicken portraits (lots o pics)

    Quote: The wyandotte, actually. I want to get a really good close up of the feathers and blow it up and put it in a frame. Simple and gorgeous like the chicken herself.
  7. SoupMaker

    TPBM(The Person Below Me)

    No I'm allergic But I gots chickens! TPBM have you ever baked a cake from scratch?
  8. SoupMaker

    Chicken portraits (lots o pics)

    A nice day of sun after a few days of rain put both me and my ladies in a good mood. So while they ran around looking for tasty snacks, I decided to take some portraits. Those little heads move real fast, it's hard to get a good shot! But here's a few of my faves, just for your entertainment...
  9. SoupMaker

    New Pics of Nugget, 12/15/08

    Nugget is gorgeous! So dignified. I don't want to hijack your thread, but I'm curious so I have to ask: I see a polish in the background of one of those photos, and she looks all gorgeous and healthy! Mine get picked on by the other hens and have to be you have a solution to...
  10. SoupMaker

    WOW saw my hen lay two eggs in a row

    As to the red around your hen's vent: According to this website, that's 100% normal.
  11. SoupMaker

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Quote: Congratulations and your kitchen wall..... that is beautiful!!! ALMOST as beautiful as that egg. Thank you, luvmychicknkids! The morning light really makes the walls glow...along with the yellow living room, green bedroom, and bright blue bathroom! I don't shy from color, that's...
  12. SoupMaker

    gotta love the chicken names

    We went with the chicken themed names: Henrietta (seems like a popular chicken name) Peckers (originally Gregory Peck, now nicknamed) Ms. Peepers Henny Penny CeeDee (CD for "Chicken/Dog" because she follows my boyfriend around like a loyal puppy!) I loved the post where someone mentioned that...
  13. SoupMaker

    Polish hen blinded by giant headcrest!

    We gave her a trim this afternoon, and what a difference! As soon as we put her down, she started running around all crazy, dancing and dodging and pecking! It was so joyous. I feel like we gave her the gift of vision. Best of all, she stood up to my other hens that have been bullying her...
  14. SoupMaker

    Polish hen blinded by giant headcrest!

    Thanks everyone. What a great forum.
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