Recent content by SouthDakotaBrood

  1. SouthDakotaBrood

    Dying baby

    Just a quick update. About an hour after my post, my little guy died. I left to get the kids from school and came back and he was gone. I suspected it wouldn't be long, but he was just so sweet. The pulled back head was only for the last couple hours, if that. Thanks for the medical term...
  2. SouthDakotaBrood

    Dying baby

    Is there anything I can do for this little guy? He's the smallest of my hatch and was getting trampled by the others so I put him on his own. He was super docile and friendly with me and I held him for a bit earlier today. Now he's all stretched out laying down like a rubber chicken, weak...
  3. SouthDakotaBrood

    How long to keep jumbo browns in brooder.

    At around 3 weeks they seem to have this big growth spurt. I like to wait until after that to move them to the garage. But the garage is also partially heated in the winter, so it rarely gets below 50 out there. Good luck!
  4. SouthDakotaBrood

    How bad is 102.3 at lock down?

    I've had mine jump up to 104 before and I've freaked out. But I've still had good hatch rates. Keep an eye on it and alter it as necessary, but a few hours at 102 shouldn't hurt anything.
  5. SouthDakotaBrood

    East RIver - South Dakota

    I'm East River. And a Newbie. :)
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