Recent content by southernbound13

  1. southernbound13

    Free Blue Wyandotte Roo in Houston Woodlands Area

    Hey guys! My sister in laws hen turned out to be a roo and shes looking to rehome him. Absolutely free. Hes 4-5 months old.
  2. southernbound13

    New Coop!!

    New Coop!! My entire outside flock got taken by a cougar (caught it on trail cam) so I knew that full time free ranging days were over and I'd need a good coop for the pullets in my garage. The coop is in the barn. Its 10X6 ft (not counting the egg box), the wired area has chicken wire on the...
  3. southernbound13

    New chicks arrived from ideal poultry!

    oh my gooooosh I'm dying! All my babies are feathered now and with spring coming these new chick posts are giving me the worst chick fever :jumpy
  4. southernbound13

    2019 Newbie Chat!

    GUYS. You know those pictures of wildlife photographers approached by their subjects? That's literally how I feel about this and I have no shame. This chicken is my favorite but she is a PSYCHO. She hates everyone and everything and is the only one that gentling efforts have done nothing for but...
  5. southernbound13

    Attention Wyandotte Eggsperts!

    This entire thing is so interesting!! And I'm getting gold laced and blue laced red. I'm so excited! We really didnt need more hens but we have the room and ya know, chicken math haha.
  6. southernbound13


    HELP! I'm not actually in florida so sorry for crashing but I figured maybe some fellow chicken lovers from florida would be willing to help me out hehe :bow Long story short at the end of this year I am FINALLY graduating after years of working full time, going to school full time and raising...
  7. southernbound13

    Need help selecting!

    I second the EE. They're generally really pleasant birds to have around and in my experience egg production has been fabulous. I always tell myself I don't need more but I always end up slipping one in every order or hatch lol
  8. southernbound13

    Attention Wyandotte Eggsperts!

    That is exactly what I was wondering. Excellent thank you! I'm fairly accurate at guessing most of the breeds I'm familiar with but wyandottes are a new beast for me. I'm so excited! We were done with chicks this year but this broody just will not break so we'll let her raise some pretties for us.
  9. southernbound13

    Attention Wyandotte Eggsperts!

    Hey! Questions for people who routinely raise wyandottes, is there any fairly reliable way to sex them (other than vent sexing) at hatch? Does feather sexing work for them? Do boys tend to have different markings? I ask because a breeder is willing to sell us two wyandottes to give our broody...
  10. southernbound13

    2019 Newbie Chat!

    My babies are getting so big! I have to go out of town for a class for 4 days this morning so my husband will be chick sitting :hitI know hes up to it but I hate not having control over their wellbeing. But they're all thriving so hopefully no one will randomly take a turn in the next 4 days :hmm
  11. southernbound13

    2019 Newbie Chat!

    ahhh what cuties! And yeah they'll just eat drink and sleep the first few days. As long as theres lots of the first two happening they're fine.
  12. southernbound13

    Help with Broody Logistics

    When our buff does this we usually put the "eggs" in a moveable container (we use a rubber goat feeder/waterer) in the box shes laying in and then come nighttime we move the entire nest, hen and all to wherever we want her to brood and hatch and then give her the eggs. We've moved mid incubation...
  13. southernbound13

    The cock that lays eggs... intersex chicken?

    I appreciate the reply but with all due respect, let's get something straight and clear up a lot of misconceptions and speculation. No one is or has at any point talked about a chicken changing its sex. Not once. An above poster was the one that brought up a "transgender" chicken. I have a...
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