Recent content by Sparkles1978

  1. Sparkles1978

    Need help sexing 4 different chicks. 4 different breeds.

    Thank you. I thought so, but I definitely wanted more opinions. I appreciate your help!
  2. Sparkles1978

    Need help sexing 4 different chicks. 4 different breeds.

    Hello beautiful fellow chicken lovers, I need help sexing 4 different chicks. Each a different breed. They are all around 5 weeks old. #1, I think is a Porcelain D'uccle, #2 is a Millie Fleur D'uccle, #3 I think is a Golden Seabright and #4 I think is a OEB but color might be a BBR. What sex do...
  3. Sparkles1978

    Silkie, Isa, Buffs looking for new loving home

    Thank you. I appreciate the thought and the well wishes. I hope you have a wonderful day.
  4. Sparkles1978

    Silkie, Isa, Buffs looking for new loving home

    Hello everyone, unfortunately, due to covid job issues and a housing situation, I am currently looking to rehome my 13 beautiful babies, and I have just been told I only have two weeks. It breaks my heart. I love them all more than I can say, and I'd love them to go where they would be loved...
  5. Sparkles1978

    2 week old turkey poult strutting?

    I have three Broad Breasted Bronze. Two Tom's and one hen. When they were young they all strutted. I thought it was funny. Now just my pretty boys do it. (Old Man Tom, and Clyde) My hen (Lurkey) seems to not care though. Lol
  6. Sparkles1978

    I need some help telling my ducks gender

    Thank you! I really appreciate the answer. I'll let you know if I was right once they molt!
  7. Sparkles1978

    I need some help telling my ducks gender

    I have 3 Khaki Campbell ducklings that are almost 7 weeks old. Almost fully feathered. Just waiting on the wings to come all the way in. To me, they all sound like hens. But if you go by looks, everyone says drakes. But they don't sound like drakes. They quack. Any help would be appreciated!
  8. Sparkles1978

    How many hours spent with your chickens?

    A good solid 3 a day. My girls are all so sweet. They love being held and getting treats lol Mine are kinda chunky after being locked up all winter and fed treats by myself and apparently my neighbors. They buy mealworms just for my girls! 😂 Spoiled rotten!
  9. Sparkles1978

    Turkey Chick with sinus discharge

    I have 3, 12-14 day old Broad Breasted Bronze turkey chicks. They have been doing amazing ever since I purchased them from TSC. Ive had them 10 days. But today when cleaning out their brooder, I noticed one of them has discharge from it's left nostril. Its open mouth breathing a bit but other...
  10. Sparkles1978

    How many chickens/ducks/quail etc has every one got? What do u have ?

    Awww imo.... Ducks are the best! But I'm biased lol I love my ducks. My Pekins are lovers. They love cuddles. I hope you can change his mind!
  11. Sparkles1978

    How many chickens/ducks/quail etc has every one got? What do u have ?

    Oh and two cats lol who actually mama my babys. I cannot keep them out of the brooders. They are fat well fed house cats with mama needs I guess. They even seek them out inside to rub against them once they are bigger lmao They have helped raise four different types of birds now with zero...
  12. Sparkles1978

    How many chickens/ducks/quail etc has every one got? What do u have ?

    Hi! I currently have 17 birds. 6 ISA Hens 3 Buff Orpington poults 3 Golden Laced Wyandotte Poults 3 Broad Breasted Bronze turkey poults And a Pekin drake and hen But lol duck math applies here.... I am currently waiting on 6 Cayuga and 6 welch harlequin ducklings to arrive! Yay more ducks lol
  13. Sparkles1978

    Smelly Drake

    He's been getting some sun lately as temps warm up. But maybe he's just a smelly boy lol he's healthy and happy otherwise. Thank you for the tips though!! 😊
  14. Sparkles1978

    Smelly Drake

    Aww thank you! I got lucky! 😊 He's currently in a molt so I guess we'll see lol I'll update this thread when he's done and report back if he still has his musky odor! Lol 😂
  15. Sparkles1978

    Smelly Drake

    Thank you! I think he is too but Im biased lol
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