Recent content by Speck & Gerard

  1. Speck & Gerard

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    oh and shame on me i forgot Janie! oh and here's a pic of Shinu a few hrs. old
  2. Speck & Gerard

    ***OKIES in the BYC III ***

    nanakat, thanks for the invite :). I'm Ksanes daughter LOL, i usually just lurk here, and ask her anything i need to know. i'll see if i can attatch some pics of my little ones my 4 marans, 2 roosters and 2 hens (Ellen is missing in this pic) Speck and his late hen Gerard. we...
  3. Speck & Gerard

    Why and how do chickens purr?

    i have 12 pet chickens they grew up in my bedroom and when we got the chicken coop built i migrated them out there, they are always purring(trilling) when they snuggle up to me or each other. 4 are roo's and the rest of course are my girls. i did notice the other day both of my wild roo's who...
  4. Speck & Gerard

    How to introduce a Rooster/Hen Combo to my Chickens?

    Dang, nobody replied to you all and i'm having a similar problem, i have a 4mo. rooster and hen (both the same age) i've had them since they were born and i have 2 older roosters outside 1 with 1 hen and 1 with 6 hens and i don't know if i can let my little speck and gerard outside to freerange...
  5. Speck & Gerard

    Cause of abcess in her head? *Pictures*

    you can get them at any feed store, or can order them online, if you get it from the feed store you can ask someone that works there which kind would be your best bet.
  6. Speck & Gerard

    Nobody warned me...

    my mother just bought us an incubator and we have our first batch in, i tried to tell her how addicting it would be but i don't think she quite understood, she's getting it now, and just all excited, we're going to end up with way too many i can already tell and the first batch has only been in...
  7. Speck & Gerard

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    so much good info. couldn't read it all but very informative, definately be reading some every night.
  8. Speck & Gerard

    4wk old chicks pecking tail feathers & some wing feathers.

    I've only seen it in over crowding situations, but there is a medication you can get at the feed store to smear on where they're getting pecked at that is supposed to keep the others from pecking them. i'm not sure what it's called, can't remember, but it's something to check into.
  9. Speck & Gerard

    Cause of abcess in her head? *Pictures*

    I'd just start her on anti biotics and leave her be, it'll most likely go away fast, if you keep messing with it, it'll stress her out and make it worse. i know how you feel wanting to help her, but sometimes things just need to heal on their own with a little anti biotics
  10. Speck & Gerard

    I wanna know what this means about roosters? How should I handle it?

    instead of kung fuing him, let him run up to you and bend down and try and pet him and talk to him, it sounds like he's just reacting to your kung fu techniques. just be inviting to him when he runs up like that, and you should be able to tell if he gets aggressive or just goes on about his...
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