Recent content by Speckled Hen

  1. Speckled Hen

    Rooster: Friend or Foe?

    Thank you everyone for commenting please any more advice would be helpful. So far, I'll pick him up more often. I'll pick him up and put his head down if he's acting aggressively. I want him to keep his head down when I'm forcing him into this position. I think he's acting as a testy teen...
  2. Speckled Hen

    Rooster: Friend or Foe?

    It's hard to tell when he's about the be aggressive. He comes when called. Walks next us when we're doing yard work. It's at random when he will come from hiding and attacks. I routinely pick him up and put him away at night. I'll be more vigilant about picking him up during the day and I'll...
  3. Speckled Hen

    Rooster: Friend or Foe?

    This was my Plymouth Rock (Barred Rock) hen. She is at another farm now. I have only Rhode Island Reds. The two breeds didn't get along as well as I was hoping. The Barred Rock's are really easy. Under different circumstances I would have done all Barred Rocks.
  4. Speckled Hen

    Rooster: Friend or Foe?

    I have raised Rhode Island Reds from 5 day old chicks. At times our rooster is like a dog, other times I think my rooster is too friendly. There is a struggle for dominance between him and I in my yard. Can I correct this while he's still young? How do I maintain proper pecking order between...
  5. Speckled Hen

    What predator is this?

    Hi! This happened to me! I'm very confident this is an owl. When my chickens were young they would sleep in a tree instead of their coop. I was a new chicken owner, I couldn't figure out how to get them down from the tree, and didn't see the danger in letting them sleep 15' off the ground in...
  6. Speckled Hen


    Dose your town require permitting to feed/domesticate wild life? Where I'm from it's illegal to feed/train wild life. However, there is a convention of hunters in our area that meet to train their Red Tail hawks to hunt Mallards. Since Mallards are grossly over populated, and a problem to our...
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