Recent content by SpeckledRoo

  1. SpeckledRoo

    Can't Log Out! Where Do I Fix That?

    Just got into my account for the first time in ages and it will not allow me to log out. Can someone help me with this ASAP? This is speckledhen's computer and she'd like to get back into her account.
  2. SpeckledRoo

    Speckledhen ....No Longer A Moderator!!

    I am Speckledroo Speckledhen's other half. She has stepped down for the moment as a Moderator. After nearly 66000 questions and posts she is on the verge of burnout. I request that any questions be directed at or to the moderators of the forum. After all these years of answering questions I...
  3. SpeckledRoo

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Quote: Have you or anyone else answering this post read the material on this web site? 1. Chickens do not get colds 2. When a chicken exhibits symptoms such as these he has more than a cold 3. Never, Never treat with tetracycline, it does not cure, it may only mask the symptoms. 4. The bird...
  4. SpeckledRoo

    What is your day like?

    Before the sun comes up, usually around 7am, I go to my coops. I currently have three with birds. I turn on the lights which will stay on until the sun is up and coming into the large windows I installed. I start the clean up process which includes removing litter from any nest boxes and from...
  5. SpeckledRoo

    Christian answers please.... read but only reply if you can help

    Quote: Of all the replies I've read this is the most reasonable. We all have our own inward demons. Some from feelings of guilt and some from desires unachieved. Many of you will not agree with me but here are my two cents. Demons do not function today as they did in the old testament days...
  6. SpeckledRoo

    Daughter's boyfriend is choking her...need advice please

    I'd ask the guy which hand he'd like to keep because I'm about to cut off the other one. I don't care if he is a boy friend or a husband, if he abuses my daughter I would bury him.
  7. SpeckledRoo

    I'm so mad right now I could pop!

    I'm sorry for all that he has put you through. I'm sure this is not the only episode and it will not be the last. He needs a wakeup call. My wife and I have been married for almost 35 years. She is my best friend, my partner, and a sounding board when things are bad on my part or hers. I try to...
  8. SpeckledRoo

    Chick hatched with no eyes!!!!!

    For all of you "Don't Kill" crowd. I don't know your age or your job circumstances, but here is real life. A chick like this will be left alone in a cage with no ability to find food and water and it will suffer and die. (THIS IS ON YOU) It will cry for companionship 24 hours a day, not...
  9. SpeckledRoo

    Any BYC Christians? Post here!-Please heed Admin Warning in First Post

    Tailfeathers I can agree with some of your thinking, but some I must disagree with. I Cor 13:10 has nothing to do with Christ. Below is a part of a study I teach on the spiritual gifts. I COR 13:10 BUT WHEN THAT WHICH IS PERFECT IS COME THEN THAT WHICH IS IN PART SHALL BE DONE AWAY NOTICE...
  10. SpeckledRoo

    Any BYC Christians? Post here!-Please heed Admin Warning in First Post

    I agree with both Speckledhen and Tailfeathers. The first churches were in the homes of believers and as they began to grow and were free to practice their faith they established buildings where larger groups could meet. Those who desired the office of a Bishop and met the qualifications along...
  11. SpeckledRoo

    Any BYC Christians? Post here!-Please heed Admin Warning in First Post

    Quote: In answer to your first question, no you do not need to belong to a church. Salvation is by faith in Christ, not in the teachings or ceremonies of a church. I would not worry about the church route since most church routes are wrong any way. Your belief in God is yours, not the...
  12. SpeckledRoo

    Any BYC Christians? Post here!-Please heed Admin Warning in First Post

    Quote: First, thank you for asking a question like this. So many people would just let it slide and do nothing. Now for an answer. I say an answer because many will not agree with me and will have their own answers. You have an opportunity to use situations like this to witness to others...
  13. SpeckledRoo

    Any BYC Christians? Post here!-Please heed Admin Warning in First Post

    Hi everyone, did anyone have a sunset ceremony tonight celebrating the time Christ rose from the dead?
  14. SpeckledRoo

    Any BYC Christians? Post here!-Please heed Admin Warning in First Post

    Here is the way I teach the Passion week. It comes from the KJV. I make note of the version because certain elements can only be found in the KJV. When figuring the day Christ died according to scripture we need points of reference, Time Elements(TE). I will list the time elements to make...
  15. SpeckledRoo

    Any BYC Christians? Post here!-Please heed Admin Warning in First Post

    I don't mean to offend anyone, but we do not celebrate Easter, rather, we remember what Christ did on resurrection day during Passover. Remember, Easter was celebrated long before Christ was crucified.
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