Recent content by Spooka

  1. Spooka

    Does my duckling have a problem?

    Thanks :) I can't really tell which ones are which, colour or otherwise! No one seems to be able to help me :P I love them all anyway!
  2. Spooka

    Does my duckling have a problem?

    Hey! That's brilliant!! I've been giving away ducklings to family's with children and I've been saying that they're call ducks! Now I don't feel so bad :D thanks for the research!
  3. Spooka

    Does my duckling have a problem?

    Which one looks like a mallard?
  4. Spooka

    Does my duckling have a problem?

    They do seem a bit bigger, not sure what breed they are then! This is our only one that looks more like a call duck and she is smaller than the rest
  5. Spooka

    Does my duckling have a problem?

    Oh ok! Well our ducks aren't too big :) here's a pic for reference :D
  6. Spooka

    Duckling membrane still attached

    Why thank you! I have trimmed the mass and it is much nicer :) shouldn't bother her now! Here some pics <3 she was in my hair this morning!!
  7. Spooka

    Duckling membrane still attached

    Sounds perfect! Thanks :)
  8. Spooka

    Duckling membrane still attached

    That's ok then, I clean it twice a day and she's not very messy :) thanks!
  9. Spooka

    Duckling membrane still attached

    I'm sure it's just umbilical cord, how do I keep it clean? It just drags along behind her :\ she doesn't go outside or anything, just in a little box and on my lap :)
  10. Spooka

    Duckling membrane still attached

    Hi everyone, I have a question about a new duckling, It is eating well and drinking, the problem now is that it's membrane is still attached, it only hatched on Sunday but it's just a dried up little placenta looking thing and the duckling has been picking at it but is unable to remove it...
  11. Spooka

    Does my duckling have a problem?

    The pet shop said he was a call duck! Haha, I don't really mind, he isn't too big for the girls I have so it worked out ok :)
  12. Spooka

    Does my duckling have a problem?

    Sooo I have a question about the duckling I originally posted about. It is eating well and drinking and I have the yeast for the niacin deficiency! It seems a lot better already! Thanks for the great advice :D the problem now is that it's membrane is still attached, it only hatched on Sunday but...
  13. Spooka

    Does my duckling have a problem?

    I don't know all that much about ducks, the people who gave us the first 2 said that they are call ducks :) is Saxony a colour or breed?
  14. Spooka

    Does my duckling have a problem?

    I didn't think I'd love ducks this much either! Indian runners are great :) 7 more in the spring? Sounds like a dream come true! Plus some new friends for Pearl x
  15. Spooka

    Does my duckling have a problem?

    She is so beautiful! Sorry about Pete :( I haven't lost any ducks yet, I can't even imagine it! I've only had ducks for 2 years, they're the best pets!
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